Duh, who else would be better to ascertain that your equipment is CAT 7 compliant?
I like it when netcat
comes pre-installed.
i sleepy on ur switchs and i claw at ur cables i am a certified sysadmin >:3
Someone help her she's already being rasterized
I don't know what you're talking about, she's clearly part of SecOps!
Your shouldn't really need an esd strap when dealing with complete/closed chassis
Obligatory: I've worked on thousands of computers and servers and never worn an ESD strap and never had any issues, though when I've touched a couple $500k+ servers I've definitely considered if maybe I should.
Same, I think it's just one of those things that's persisted from "the old days". Like needing to close recent apps on your phone or needing to charge a new device "for at least 6 hours before using it" and it's really not as much of an issue with modern hardware.
There's no watchguard anymore, he claimed it