I think Trump will win narrowly. Allan Lichtman predicted Kamala but I think some of his arguments for his keys to the white house being/not being turned are shaky.
I think Trump will win because I disagree with Lichtman's judgement on a few keys:
- The No Social Unrest key is False. We seem to be forgetting Jan 6th.
- No Scandal key is False. I'd say the incumbent president losing his marbles during a presidential debate and being too senile to move forward is pretty scandalous, also everything surrounding Hunter Biden.
- Good short/long term economy is a toss-up. I can't really say that having a huge national deficit, high inflation and awful living standards in real terms counts, even if America technically isn't in recession.
- Foreign/military success is a toss-up. I wouldn't count NATO rallying around Ukraine as that.
- Even if you disregard Gaza, the US pulling out of Afghanistan and watching as the Taliban retook the whole country within hours counts as a military failure.