Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
Hey all,
In light of recent events concerning one of our communities (/c/vegan), we (as a team) have spent the last week working on how to address better some concerns that had arisen between the moderators of that community and the site admin team. We always strive to find a balance between the free expression of communities hosted here and protecting users from potentially harmful content.
We as a team try to stick to a general rule of respect and consideration for the physical and mental well-being of our users when drafting new rules and revising existing ones. Furthermore, we've done our best to try to codify these core beliefs into the additions to the ToS and a new by-laws section.
ToS Additions
That being said, we will be adding a new section to our “terms of service” concerning misinformation. While we do try to be as exact as reasonably able, we also understand that rules can be up to interpretation as well. This is a living document, and users are free to respectfully disagree. We as site admins will do our best to consider the recommendations of all users regarding potentially revising any rules.
Regarding misinformation, we've tried our best to capture these main ideas, which we believe are very reasonable:
Users are encouraged to post information they believe is true and helpful.
We recommend users conduct thorough research using reputable scientific sources.
When in doubt, a policy of “Do No Harm”, based on the Hippocratic Oath, is a good compass on what is okay to post.
Health-related information should ideally be from peer-reviewed, reproducible scientific studies.
Single studies may be valid, but often provide inadequate sample sizes for health-related advice.
Non-peer-reviewed studies by individuals are not considered safe for health matters.
We reserve the right to remove information that could cause imminent physical harm to any living being. This includes topics like conversion therapy, unhealthy diets, and dangerous medical procedures. Information that could result in imminent physical harm to property or other living beings may also be removed.
We know some folks who are free speech absolutists may disagree with this stance, but we need to look out for both the individuals who use this site and for the site itself.
By-laws Addition
We've also added a new by-laws section as well as a result of this incident. This new section is to better codify the course of action that should be taken by site and community moderators when resolving conflict on the site, and also how to deal with dormant communities.
This new section provides also provides a course of action for resolving conflict with site admin staff, should it arise. We want both the users and moderators here to feel like they have a voice that is heard, and essentially a contact point that they can feel safe going to, to “talk to the manager” type situation, more or less a new Lemmy.World HR department that we've created as a result of what has happened over the last week.
Please feel free to raise any questions in this thread. We encourage everyone to please take the time to read over these new additions detailing YOUR rights and how we hope to better protect everyone here.
Oh man this ones got some flavour to sink ones teeth into 😅
I take the side of the admin. If someone can't accept or understand that a cat eats a meat based diet then they deserve to have reality thrown in their face. Better than some poor animals being tortured.
If someone can't accept or understand that a cat eats a meat based diet then they deserve to have reality thrown in their face. Better than some poor animals being tortured.
Dang, is that what happened? It's sad to think that there are people mistreating animals that they care about accidentally, through trying to apply their own human morals and rules to them.
Cats are hunters, they eat meat. If that's an issue for your home then fair enough, your house your rules. Just don't get a cat, or a carnivorous pet in general. There's lots of cool pets out there that are herbivores :-)
I think it's less applying their morals to the cat and more not wanting to support the meat industry. That said, yeah just don't have a cat. I expect many vegans aren't too big on the concept of pet ownership anyway.
Cats aren't just hunters. They're obligate carnivores. That means they literally can't get all the nutrients they need from a plant based diet. They need the vitamin A in meat in the same way that we need vitamin C.
I had no idea what this one was about. I got banned a few months ago for insisting in c/vegan that animals that eat a predominantly carnivorous diet should not be fed a vegan diet. I'm a cat lover and dog liker and believe that it is animal abuse. I'm glad to see this change.
Try reading some current information on it. It can be healthy for a cat to be vegan if it is done correctly.
The most difficult part is quote a lot of cats are picky to the point they won't eat the one or two brands that are actually nutritionally complete.
Its absurd they are banning even the discussion of this when research keeps trending towards the possibility of a healthy vegan cat.
Mostly, I think its absurd to think these discussions will actually hurt real cats. If the owner is basing their information on this websites shitposters, they are already a horrible owner.
I'm honestly not sure if a vegan cat diet is possible or not, but random people giving unqualified advice that could easily lead a less knowledgeable person to harm an animal is a problem. What should have been done in this case is for a mod or admin to shut the discussion down with a note telling people to consult a qualified veterinarian regarding any change to their pets diet.
I blocked all those vegan subs when this shit happened, they were already pretty bad tho.
Like if someone posted:
I'm not vegan but am looking to eat less meat
They were banned, so I figured out I was better off blocking than stumbling in one day.
But the original was just talking about feeding cats human vegan food. Then after admins stepped in, some mod went and found a single research article that said it could be possible with supplements...
But I think the supplements came from animals anyways?
So they advocated for something that would harm pets, then found the absolute bare minimum "proof" that in a very narrow situation no one was doing it might not harm the animal "significantly".
It legit seems like they're just trolling and trying to make vegans seem insufferable
My idea was that respectful, dissenting opinions posted in a small ratio should be allowed in all communities.
It works well in this situation because you can have ten vegans posting about how vegan diets are great for cats, but you'd still have at least one guy posting "This isn't safe for your cat. Please find sources that aren't biased before doing this."
I don't know if a vegan diet is safe for cats or not, and I shouldn't need to. Having that one dissenting voice is helpful in prompting people not to trust everything they read on the internet. c/flatearth can still have their narrative, but a policy like this would help put the brakes on it a little.
Of course, do consider this policy in a community that you agree with. This would mean that someone would be allowed to post Russian propaganda in the Ukraine community. If they spam it, it can still be removed. If they're rude, it can be removed. But if it's just one Russian comment for every ten comments refuting it, I would hope the ten comments are enough to handle it.
And beyond the specific situation - as disgusting as it is to let a dependent animal suffer because of a belief it doesn't even hold - it also shows a very basic lack of self-reflection ability if, even faced with backlash, one cannot realize why others would be appalled by such opinions.
The idea of Obligate Carnivore is fully lost on some. And that’s quite a sad reality.
It seems to me that a lot of people are using that term without knowing what it means. That, too, is a sad reality. It means that cats in the wild aren't able to live off non-meat sources that they can find there, similar to how humans can't live in subfreezing temperatures without shelter or clothing. It says nothing about whether their dietary needs can be fulfilled without meat in a domestic environment. Maybe yes, maybe no, but you can't just parrot the words "obligate carnivore" like a Fox News anchor and act like that gives you the answer. The world is more complicated than that.
In fact, based on other info, cats do seem to be able to survive on human-supplied vegan diets, but it's less clear that they can enjoy optimal health on such a diet. So the reality seems to be somewhat shaded.
Even for humans, being a well-nourished vegan is somewhat difficult (you have to pay attention to stuff like protein combination). It's even harder to be a so-called "raw vegan" (living entirely from uncooked vegetables such as in salads) but apparently it can still be done. Most human vegans consume a lot of beans and grains that are inedible without cooking.
You can imagine an animal species for which cooked beans and grains would be a completely healthy diet, and yet that diet is never seen in the wild because wild animals don't cook. Thus they would get their protein instead from animal sources, i.e. be obligate carnivores, even though they would be fine on steamed rice and tofu. There is no logical incompatibility between "obligate carnivore" and "vegan diet". It's a question of biology that is species specific. In the limit, you could inagine a Star Trek replicator synthesizing perfect mouse meat from pure carbon and other elements, giving you a completely healthy and satisfied vegan cat that thinks it is eating freshly killed mice.
It doesn't appear possible for humans to stay healthy for long periods as fruitarians (some people don't want to cut or kill living plants for food, but instead live off of fruits and nuts that have naturally fallen off the plants). But that can only be known through experimental observation, not linguistic knee jerks. You have to examine the details to understand the real situation for any particular species, food type, and preparation method
Is that what this is about? Anyone that can't grasp nutrition concepts that an 8 year old can understand, shouldn't be taking care of any living being
Edit: After reading more into it, I realise I was wrong. In the past, I had heard of people trying vegan diets with cats and they ended up dying, hence my original opinion. It is apparently not that clear cut. I still don't think it's a good idea to put a cat on a vegan diet unless it's necessary.
Respectfully, I believe this incident serves more as a learning opportunity for the admin team rather than a reason to amend the rules.
This isn’t the first time I’ve observed Rooki acting inappropriately for an admin of a community. As an admin of a (admittedly much smaller) corner of the internet, I’ve learned to interact with users in a way that is polite and ensures they feel safe and heard. This is at least the second instance where I’ve seen Rooki respond emotionally and rather adversarially towards users, which has, in my view, undermined their credibility, to the point that I hope to avoid future interactions with them.
I understand that managing LW, one of the largest and general-purpose instances, especially with Lemmy’s still rather limited moderation tools, is challenging, and I appreciate the hard work all of you, including Rooki, put into maintaining it and making it run as smoothly as it does. I'm NOT asking for their removal; however, considering that this is not the first time I’ve seen Rooki behave uncivilly and antagonistically towards users, I hope that this will be a formative experience for them.
Just want to pitch in as an outsider that I too have experienced Rooki acting inappropriately and frankly immaturely. This has happened multiple times and it doesn't give a good light to the rest of the Lemmy.world administration that they seemingly tolerate Rookis behaviour. It's not up to me, especially as I am not even a lemmy.world user, but in my opinion Rooki should not be an admin following these incidents.
It's great that the admins are putting so much effort into getting this right.
Sadly, I don't think this is the way. Adding this to the ToS means you admins will always be in the centre of every unwinnable situation that arises.
You need a committee to deal with these issues on a case by case basis. There are many advantages to this:
You can be tough but flexible and adaptive
you can enlist the help of people with more time
you can enlist the help of people with experience writing policies
committee members can resign or be discontinued when they become embroiled in some shit storm.
you can retain veto power
I don't want to be critical of the ToS because someone has put a lot of thought into it, but the most charitable thing I can say is that its unlikely to serve its intended purpose.
Also, not working out doesnt mean a dead cat. It meant she didnt like the taste of it so I switched back to food she would eat, with meat in it.
I'm glad you aren't insane (really - I might think you're crazy for trying, but thank you for seeing reason when it didn't work out), but you have to understand that some people are. They will literally starve their pet out of their own foolish ideals.
Your post shouldn't be downvoted. This is without question the best way to deal with this - speak to someone that not only knows about this stuff, but likely deals with it on a regular basis. They are LITERALLY FUCKING TRAINED TO DEAL WITH THIS!
As a former site admin, I will say right now that leaving any kind of rule "open to interpretation" is the WORST thing you could do. The only interpretation of the rules of your site should be the your (the site admin's) interpretation. That's it. Rules should be easy to understand and easily convey the correct interpretation.
Leaving the rules open to interpretation only leads to disagreements and arguments. It is better for users to have concrete rules with a reliably consistent correct interpretation than for everyone to complain because their interpretation of a rule lets them do whatever they want. Just my two cents on that.
As a former site admin, I will say right now that leaving any kind of rule “open to interpretation” is the WORST thing you could do. The only interpretation of the rules of your site should be the your interpretation. That’s it. Rules should be easy to understand and easily convey the correct interpretation.
This might be a language-barrier thing, but that's the meaning of "open for interpretation".
It means that the admins and moderators are judging it on a per-case basis instead of a hard delineation that anybody could use to decide whether something is against the rules or not (and hence use technicalities to skirt the rules, naturally).
We didn't cover that in ESL, because open to interpretation means open to interpretation. If what you're trying to say in your comment was the admins intention then the language should've been: "Admin's interpretation of the rules is the last word and will be judged in a case by case basis". There's nothing wrong with that, it's how laws and court systems work. Anyone can interpret laws as they see fit (see sov citizens) but when push come to shove, judges have the last word and the courts interpretation is the only valid interpretation of the law. Hence debate based trials, checks and balances. When rules are open to interpretation, they become useless as a tool for defining truth.
Because the priority for them is engagement, regardless of how harmful the content could be to people. Engagement doesn't mean shit here because nobody's profiting off of it.
I think initially it was simply because Ellen pao might have wanted freedom of speech. The funny thing is that the people she defended turned against her
But this turned into an issue eventually Steve seemed to get rid of some communities, and allowed places like thedonald to flourish. I believe he just wants money.
quoting from your link:
No reductions were statistically significant.
Only one difference [re:disease] was statistically significant.
plus it was done by a pro-vegan group with obvious bias.
so the results from the pro-vegan funded study are not terribly good at supporting veganism for cats as more healthy. it's about the same, maybe less disease (severity of disease wasn't covered in the abstract but would be a significant part of a decision).
show me a study not funded by a pro-vegan group with similar or better results before I consider feeding my pet a diet very different from their natural diet.
Honestly (and I see you do recognise this in your comment) but this really seems like a kinda crappy study that I'm surprised made it into plos.
For instance I couldn't find any evidence of them considering that the dietary choices of the guardian may affect the attitudes of the guardian to vetenarians (and thus the self-reported health of those animals). To take this further, in the scenario that a cat guardian believes their choices make their cat healthier, especially when going against vetinary orthodoxy, the guardian is probably less likely to take the cat to the vet for minor issues. This confounds the analysis of "healthiness" as performed by the authors.
Furthermore any cat that is not an indoor cat is likely also not fed a purely vegan diet (as they do hunt), so they should possibly account for that via a sort of bootstrapped approach. Generally the stats were okay though, and don't make super strong claims from some pretty weak data. Though GAMs were a pretty odd choice and I'd have preferred some sort of explicit model fit with Bayesian fitting or NLLS.
In the end all of this points to the sort of thing where they should really have been doing perturbational research. I.e. feeding cats different diets in a controlled lab space. This is not the sort of research that lends itself to surveys and that seriously impacts the actual practicality of its findings.
Also as an aside, I really cannot abide anyone who includes a questionably inspirational quote that they said themselves in the fucking French Alps on their own website. That's just pure wankery. The only people I usually see doing things like that are scientists like Trivers, which is not company one should wish to be in.
lets say hypothetically your pet cat would be healthier and happier if you bypassed their stomach and digestive system entirely to simply feed them the required nutrients by direct injection. (doesn't matter how this is done, it's a hypothetical.)
Let's just say for the sake of the argument this is a magic black box that infinitely produces these nutrients and injects them at no immediate or long term cost. It consumes no power, doesn't require charging or reloading, it simply makes it so that your cat no longer has to eat.
Would this be ethical? We do a similar thing with humans on life support, and there's lots of debate about this being highly unethical. There's lot of push for medically assisted suicide/death in cases where it would be prudent.
Any chance the relevant incident could be unpacked and used as a demonstration of how these changes would alter the outcome or encourage a different outcome?
As someone who only saw pieces of it after the fact, I am potentially in the dark here about the purposes and context of these changes.
That being said, from what I did see, it seemed very much like an instance admin imposing themselves and their superior power on a community when there were probably plenty of other more subtle action that could have been taken, where subtlety becomes vital for any issue complex and nuanced enough to be handled remotely well. I'm not sure I'm seeing any awareness of this in this post and the links provided.
For instance, AFAICT, the "incident" involved a discussion of if or how a domestic cat could eat a vegan diet. Obviously that's not trivial as they, like humans, have some necessary nutrients, and AFAICT the vegans involved were talking about how it could be done, while the admin involved was basically having none of that and removed content on the basis that it would lead to a cat dying.
And then in the misinformation link we have:
We also reserve the right to remove any sufficiently scientifically proven MALICIOUS information posted which a user may follow, which would result in either IMMINENT PHYSICAL harm to an INDIVIDUALS PROPERTY, the PROPERTY of OTHERS or OTHER LIVING BEINGS.
In the context of cats and their food ... which "living beings" are being harmed and who is encouraging or discouraging this harm?
Whether you're vegan or not, this seems to me formally ambiguous and on the face of it only enshrines the source of the conflict rather than facilitating better forms of communication or resolution (perhaps there are things in the by-laws I've missed??).
Two groups can have exactly the same aim and core values (reduce harm to living beings) but in the complexity of the issue come to issue a bunch of friendly fire ... that's how complex issues work.
So, back to my original question ... how exactly would things be done better?
Vegans saying that cats, which are obligate carnivores, can subsist on a vegan diet; admin removed it as misinformation. The vegan community then threw a fit over it.
Yeah my thoughts exactly. And... "harm to living beings" is really thin ice. One could argue that not being vegan/vegetarian is by default harming living beings. I love my steak and would never abstain, but I'm very much aware that my succulent meal meant that some poor cow had to die.
I occasionally go hunting and fishing. Is giving advice on either malicious? It definitely can lead to harm of a living being, but I don't consider it malicious, while others think it's barbaric and evil.
In the context of cats and their food … which “living beings” are being harmed and who is encouraging or discouraging this harm?
Not the point I imagine, the rule as written makes no requirement of being able to specifically identify who or how. It's like Google AI suggesting you add glue to your pizza sauce. Is it likely that you, /u/maegul, would follow that advise? Hopefully not. But is it absolutely endandering to leave the information there and not just flat out delete it on the off-chance someone takes it serious? Of course!
As noted in my post on the "moderation incident", by adding more subjectivity to the rules, you are opening the door to even more instance moderator misconduct. There is already evidence of how that would go.
Rooki felt it right to intervene in the !vegan cat food thread (and got a pat on the back with the new rules made to justify their actions), then not only took no issue with comments like "Meat is not something diabetics need to worry about." but also fueled the fire in the same thread by saying "To be honest linking something like meat to death of people is like saying everybody that breathed air died."
So much for taking action against harmful dietary advice.
I get that admins are doing their best, but what's really needed is a policy guiding admin behaviour. Under what circumstances will admins intervene, and what decision process will they follow to determine what interventions they will implement.
Without that, I'm afraid updating the ToS to green light the behaviour of admins retrospectively is just going to cause more frustration and resentment for everyone.
I love how the same groupthink from Reddit like "vegans bad" made it way over here verbatim, to the point where an admin goes out of their way to censor them. I don't have a dog in this fight, but this was some blatant bias.
I'm pretty much a reddit refugee in that my reddit activity is limited to checking the community I moderate, simply as a token to all the users, but as I noted in that post, even reddit doesn't seem to interfere in its communities unless pushed to do so by all the other communities. The "free speech absolutist" straw man also hardly applies to reddit, as it still takes action against harassment, illegal content, and things like that - exactly what I would expect from a platform like Lemmy.
The real interesting thing is that just ~14 months ago this wasn't the case. Anti-Vegans and a shift to more right wing "opinions" sadly go hand in hand.
I've had similar with Rooki showing a distinct lack of depth and level headedness. I left here entirely for a month as a result of an interaction with them.
Seeing how this post is playing out seems insane to me. People may not like some aspect of this idea, but when presented with evidence, the response here has been eye opening an almost evangelical fervor with many that seem wholly incapable of objective thinking. I have not seen a single person claim they have tried feeding a cat a vegan diet, or that it is a good idea. All that I've seen is people mentioning in abstract that this has been researched. Hell, many things in common foods are derived from petroleum. Go watch Nile Red. Anything can about be made into anything, insert drain cleaner to grape soda here. I have no interest in eating crickets, meal worms, or algae, but these are a thing too. When I'm confronted with something new, I set myself aside and do not cast my emotions into the fray like an ignorant foolish child.
There is nothing special about murder diets. It is just organic chemistry. It may cost a fortune for someone to properly feed a cat, but I have no faith that the largely unregulated in practice pet food industry is much better or more ethical than someone doing proper scientific research. Mentioning the frontiers of science and causing a pitchfork mob like post shows I'm probably in the wrong kind of place here. I have far higher expectations for intellectual engagement than this disappointing display of biased and backwards ignorance.
If you're talking about the upvotes and the supportive comments, I'm not even sure they reflect how the community would feel had they seen the full sequence of events* leading up to that decision.
As I previously mentioned, seemingly the first comment to start the chain of !vegan moderators' and subsequent Rooki actions was the impolite "don't force your shit on them" one-line comment by a user first exonerated, but later banned for trolling in another community by none other than Rooki.
The vegan comments were way lengthier, containing balanced ("it's important to do a bit of extra research", "cat nutrition is too complicated to be trying to make at home") and seemingly thoughtful takes with a link to the NCBI.
Conversely, Rooki's line of arguing contained little but outbursts like "have a nice rest of your life knowing you killed your loved pet" and "If anyone else thinks pets should be vegan i have no problem banning them for being a troll and promoting killing pets", with unsubstantiated yet specific claims like "YES cats can survive vegan diet for few months".
Sure, Rooki admitted to being emotional and said sorry after my post asking for their removal, but what's the weight of that apology if the new rules echo those same talking points, from "misinformation" to the quite specific example "Unhealthy diets, e.g. due to insufficient nutrients"?
*Screenshots sent to me by a !vegan mod after my post - verifiable via the public modlog.
While I disagree with the stance the vegans took in this. The mods admins reaction to the situation was way out of proportion, and it definitely seems like you're updating the ToS to justify what he did retroactively instead of addressing his behavior, which was way out of line.
I wasn't party to it from the start since I'm not a vegan and I didn't see the original discussion, but from my understanding: Vegans were having a discussion on the possibilities and risks of vegan cat food, in the vegan community Lemmy world. A Lemmy world admin invaded that discussion and started using his admin/mod powers to push his unsubstantiated opinion on the subject and silence the voice of users who had another opinion. And now apparently there's new rules being added to justify that kind of admin behaviour.
And this is also apparently not the first time that that admin abused their mod powers, since I read a few comments in this thread saying something like "oh, an admin abusing mod powers, that's probably going to be xxx again".
I don't know what the Admin did, but it feels hard to imagine it was "way out of proportion", given that forcing a cat to live vegan is unhealthy, potentially deadly and definitely animal abuse
Don't feel there are many people who actually use the phrase "free speech absolutist" these days, as a forward self-identification, who have much personal integrity or actual understanding of what that phrase might mean.
It means they want the right to spew misinformation knowingly or otherwise and not get in trouble for it.
I'm of the opinion that people attempting 'legitimate' claims on unsourced dangerous posts should be stamped out with impunity regardless of a forum being more free speech.
It's one thing to say you believe this despite insufficient evidence. It's another thing to willingly present near universally incorrect information as truth just because one study might call it into question.
We learned a near decade ago now that deplatforming hate speech, dangerous rhetoric, and misinformation stops it in it's tracks.
If you want to share your bullshit with other people you know in your heart of hearts is wrong, go to Signal lol.
No disrespect to Signal. They have a place as a secure messaging that's mostly by invite only for those groups. Not publicly viewable forums.
I agree, and also of the opinion that a significant portion of people who yell the loudest about “freedom of speech” are only doing so because they want to force others to listen to what is essentially bullshit, and any attempts to call them out is somehow impinging on a non-existent right to free speech. And I do hope it’s understood that there is no right to free speech other than pertaining to the government; mods and site operators are free to edit, block, delete or silence as they see fit no matter what we think. However, I do agree there is some form of social contract to at least enforce a perceived right to free speech in society.
Personally, I have become intolerant of intolerance - especially of the kind that believes it has the right to spew what is objectively bullshit.
I'm a free speech absolutist, but only for "Free as in free beer", and "speech as in Oscar acceptance speech". Don't let people charge to hear what they have to say, and start loudly playing music over them if they go on too long
I didn't consider admins any more qualified in parsing medical journals than mods are. I've got letters behind my name and am not supremely confident in that. That said, anything like a pro-ana community should be quickly purged.
I've got no idea about the context of the vegan drama though.
I’ve got letters behind my name and am not supremely confident in that.
The more you know about academic research, the less you trust something just because it's academic research.
Like, even after peer review, it's not uncommon to find out the peers who first reviewed it missed something or just flat out don't know what they were reading.
It's like my stats professor said:
Anyone can produce stats to show what they want, the hard part is getting clean stats and interrupting them without any bias.
Peer reviewed scientific sources for people talking about health stuff? I can understand modding out "cyanide makes everything taste yummy" but at the other side, this isn't Wikipedia. It's a discussion forum and a lot of the topics will be about users' own experiences and perceptions. If you want to run an academic journal instead, this isn't the right way to do it.
The parent post also offers no answer at all about what decision was reached regarding the c/vegan intervention and whether such things should be allowed to happen again. Is there any update about that?
I don't see anything there about what (if anything) was absorbed from the c/vegan incident. If you're still working on it, that's fine, just say so, there's not a huge rush. The original post instead seems to imply that some kind of decision was reached, but leaves it up to user detective skills to figure out what it is. I'm an outsider to c/vegan, I'm not out for anyone's blood, but I saw the intervention as a good faith error that should explicitly be called out as one. Any resulting policy change should be designed to prevent similar errors going forward. If you've decided something different from that (i.e. that the intervention was valid and that you want to see more of the same), that's fine, it's your server, but please tell us in so many words so we can react accordingly.
The same thing about the academic journals. "Encouraged" is one thing but it would help enormously if you tell us what the admins are going to do if someone posts based on direct observations, personal experience, etc. It's well established now that the COVID-19 virus is transmitted through the air and that N95 respirators and HEPA air purifiers are hugely valuable preventive measures, but it took a ridiculously long time for health authorities to admit that fact (Science, Nov 2022). Thus in many cases, community awareness about health issues is ahead of the authorities and journals. We should be encouraging that, not trying to shut it down. (See for example r/ZeroCovidCommunity on Reddit).
Anyway, I've been under the belief that the instance admins are basically server operators or assisting the server operators, dealing with system maintenance and software problems, or sometimes, serious and obvious policy breaches like threats of violence. They aren't supposed to be medical experts or pet dieticians, so (following Reddit, since Lemmy positions itself as a Reddit alternative) they should generally defer to community mods about discussions within communities. Community mods, at least, are supposed to have some kind of understanding of the topics under discussion.
If you're saying that server admins should be able to override community mod decisions about discussions regarding stuff like pet diets, then fine, but again, tell us so we know what kind of environment we're in.
Sick to the back teeth of hearing the term "disinformation" applied to any opinion or discourse that doesn't conform to, let's be honest....govt sanctioned sources
It's not the same thing, but IMO the best things the admins can do is establish a runbook of sorts of how to deal with these situations - because they're not out of the realms of possibility.
Where I disagree with some is in the rules needing to be black and white. There are instances, say for example a self-harming support group or a community that deals with conditions with no medical cure. IMO this is where nuance is key, because people will share misinformation or procedures that could cause harm/illness. This is where a case by case basis is needed, and ultimately the "path of least harm" is where this will excel. Regardless, admins and mods should contribute to these runbooks for their case, so that there is an established plan that is transparent to all.
Thanks for banning discussion? Gonna have to explain that one.
You know what would be in the news, if a vegan forced their cat to be vegan until it died.
You know how many stories youll find about that. About 1 and the cat survived.
Now compare that to stories of healthy vegan cats, youll find plenty of those. Usually the stories are written from a skeptic point of view but the stories are there.
This is a bit learning the wrong lesson from what happened, isn't it? The problem is admin overreach. There was some disagreement on a sub, no big deal. I don't even care what it's about, I have no opinion on it. But now this admin comes in like Eric Cartman "Respect mah authoritah!". What am I supposed to make of that? Nobody was advocating animal abuse. I worry about admins who can't just let something go, who can't handle disagreement, like a cop always looking to escalate.
So thanks for the rules clarification, I guess, but what about:
won't this general guideline of 'do no harm' stifle discussion in case it isn't clear which is the harmful position? For example covid
is there a process in place when an admin does something in the heat of the moment, that the admin team can let them cool off for a bit?
is removing mods going to be the norm?
will there be more rules when another admin disagrees with a mod?
why was this escalated like this? Don't you think removing mod status is an overreaction (procedure wise)?
does the 'anti animal abuse' statute apply to animal consumption and animal products? Vegan community has a point there
what about rooki?
All in all, please don't kill this instance by telling people what to think. There is healthy discussion and people don't always have to agree. That doesn't make me a 'free speech absolutist'. I think removing moderator privileges was quite out of bounds. Again, nobody was advocating animal abuse at all.
Mods and admins are here to keep discussion healthy, not impose their views on everyone else, right? So don't! And don't cover for others who do!
I never saw the thread, but based on what I'm hearing, it's animal abuse.
If you look at Reddit and Facebook they've both been mostly consumed by anti science communities which put people in real danger
We see communities like this create an echo chamber which grows and make it impossible to argue sanely.
The fact is, I have seen some increasingly toxicity in some vegan (and some other) communities on Lemmy too. And it is one reason why I left beehaw. Because they allow toxic communities to flourish (as long as they were driven by a minority).
I'd even go as far as the behavior of some of these communities look like femaledatingadvice/thedonald on Reddit slowly. It's ok to have disagreements, but nobody and no animals should be put at risk.
Yeah, it was definitely Animal abuse. Switching carnivorous animals to plant-diets to satisfy their humanitarian urges, is straight up abuse.
When I argued sanely over there I was basically just called a carnal apologist and banned. Shit was wild. Glad Lemmy picked up this stance; because what they were advocating was entirely wrong.
They spread too. You get one loopy sub and it can take over an adjacent sub over time. Members get tired of the content in their community and will go to the nearest most-similar one for more content.
These rules don't need to be forever but if lemmy is currently having a problem with something (I don't actually know what this is all about) I'm all for updating TOS so they can fix it.
Wth no actual example. But just to pick one, is it controversial to advocate for mandating public masking? I would say so. The consensus has moved on to making this a personal choice, but I could very easily make the "controversial" argument that this is ableist, and that mandating masking will save lives.
It's not going to be very popular though, that's for sure.
I'm not actually looking to debate this, but just pointing out there are legitimate debates to be had around COVID.
There's a fine line between misinformation and "subjectively offensive information". To me, this seems like it was a pretty clear case of abuse of power regardless of where you stand on the original issue and retroactively changing the rules to excuse that abuse does not bode well for this community.
I'm not vegan so I won't take sides in this particular debate (to me it seems like a trolley problem whether risking the harm of a pet is worth reducing the systematic harm of animals at-large), nor do I have any specific comments on the new rules...
I will say though, that these incidents are opportunity for growth and learning for both users and admins when it comes to running a grassroots online community. Whether people agree with the new rules or not, I think all of Lemmy is better for it if we have examples of how large instances can be run and how conflicts can be addressed cordially.
Not my instance, but after perusing those links, what's the point? "Generally" this, "generally" that, paired with vague obligations. Doesn't matter a bit if you have an actual problem with a member of the administration time and the rest buddy up and play silent.
Let me ask you this, you've been up for quite a while, you've had staff rollovers, you must have had issues with at least one of your admins. Have you been transparent about them and reached out to anyone who might have been affected by them and publicly apologized and addressed any actions on their behalf, or have you played coy and just ignored them and kept quiet about them, releasing at best only excuses that have kept any internal drama hidden lest they affect the donation/income streams?
Not really launching any accusations, but actions speak louder than words. Look at Reddit, it has a decent community guideline, and it means shit except whitewashing when it comes to actual enforcement.
Yeah this is quite obviously more intended to prevent someone taking advise to put glue into pizza sauce serious because it was posted in a serious tone in a serious context. Which shitpost stuff would never be.
I know that. But if a site rule state that posts should be "true and helpful" it leave no room (legally) for shitposting communities. I assume this is not the idea, so the wordings should take that into account.
If you are a vegan and want animal companionship, get a vegan pet!! Rabbits, birds, and guinea pigs are great options. Cats and dogs are not options for meatless pets, regardless of how avaliable they are.
Ugh I can't tell if this is trolling. I got a sentence and and noped the fuck out. Getting a group of humans together in an online setting without being ridiculous is f'n hard.
Vegans advocated for feeding cats vegan diets (which, cats being obligate carnivores, is equivalent to slowly torturing them to death), admin (rightfully but possibly excessively hamfistedly, though not unusually so for a lemmy.world admin) shut it down, vegan animal abusers got a bit histerical about the whole thing.
im here, and i do enjoy a good ponder, unfortunately the political right and some of the political left have consumed 100% of my philosophical pondering over the last 5 or so years.
The fundamental problem here in regards to feeding a cat a vegan diet is that you are forcing something onto an existing sentient (to some degree) being.
You as a human could live on rice and water exclusively, but it would most certainly not be optimal. The same is generally true for most living beings. The ultimate question here, once we get past feeding a pet whatever diet, is that pet ownership is to some degree, probably unethical at the source. Feeding them inherently brings up an ethical dilemma, as they are not a human, they cannot make a conscious choice about how their food is acquired. You as a vegan could theoretically raise and kill game to feed a cat which is probably the most ethical solution here, but that's not likely to be popular. The alternative being farm grown game, although it's likely to be off cuts and byproduct as humans eat the most desired parts, so the end result is probably fairly insignificant, unless you're feeding your cat a rich mans diet or something.
There is no one rule to fit all vegans, every vegan has to evaluate their own situations. You are right that some vegans are against all pet ownership. There is another group that believes if you rescue an animal from being euthanized or slaughtered and improve their standard of living and length of life, then that is ethical.
A huge part of being vegan is repetitive self-reflection, always searching for moral inconsistencies and working to fix them.
This is what leads vegans to consider a vegan diet for their pet, as if it was at least as healthy as non-vegan food, then less animals will be hurt due to the vegans choices.
Contrary to popular belief there are plenty of studies and case reports advocating for both sides of the argument of vegan cat food. Even by the admins new rules, we would be able to argue for vegan cat food as long as we only referenced studies.
Since its not settled either way, and multiple pet health and food organizations have stated their interest in researching the viability of vegan/vegetarian diets for dogs/cats, I think its fair to say it should be open for discussion.
This is so dumb of course it's a controversy about veganism. It's so obvious that no imminent harm is coming from a community literally founded on the idea of reducing suffering. Probably switching instances sometimes soon
"We reserve the right to remove information that could cause imminent physical harm to any living being. This includes topics like conversion therapy, unhealthy diets, and dangerous medical procedures. Information that could result in imminent physical harm to property or other living beings may also be removed."
Does this mean it's against the rules to promote keto, paleo, and carnivore diets? All of these cause a great deal of harm.
Even if we ignore the brutal abuse and murder that is done to animals raised for food, or the pandemic inevitability that comes from animal agriculture; or their contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, destruction of natural habitats for expansions of ranches, or illnesses like asthma that cafos cause to local communities; or the physical and psychological harm that occurs to animal ag and slaughterhouse workers, many of whom are either immigrants or minors - any one of which should be reason alone to seek an end to animal-consumption ways of life - diets that are high in animal products and low in plants are directly harmful to human health.
That's essentially what keto, paleo, and carnivore are - high fat, high animal consumption, and low or no carb (and since most plants are high carb, that usually means low-plants as well). In the first case, low-carb diets don't even meet all nutritional needs without supplementation. In addition these diets are all about increasing the very foods that cause our top causes of death like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc, while reducing or eliminating all the foods that are known to be most protective against these lifestyle diseases.
Health-related information should ideally be from peer-reviewed, reproducible scientific studies.
Note that even if a study is currently reproducible, it will only continue to be reproducible until it isn't. There isn't something fundamental that makes a specific scientific study objectively true or false — that isn't how science works.
When in doubt, a policy of “Do No Harm”, based on the Hippocratic Oath, is a good compass on what is okay to post.
I understand that that's likely well-intentioned, but, imo, it's rather subjective — it's more often a matter of relative perspective. That being said, it would be in your best interest to set as clear and precise definitions as you possibly can.
Non-peer-reviewed studies by individuals are not considered safe for health matters.
What does this statement mean? You are banning anyone from sharing anything that is not peer-reviewed…?
We know some folks who are free speech absolutists may disagree with this stance
Note that even if a study is currently reproducible, it will only continue to be reproducible until it isn't. There isn't something fundamental that makes a specific scientific study objectively true or false — that isn't how science works.
no one said anything to the contrary. that is just the minimum requirement for health claims to not get removed. It's not an endorsement of absolute truth.
The rules are written so the admins and mods can maintain their positions and feelings without having to explain themselves. Its an insistence that whatever they do is right because they own the place.
The rules are written so the admins and mods can maintain their positions and feelings without having to explain themselves.
There is no requirement that they must explain themselves. The beauty of the Fediverse is that if one doesn't agree with an instance, then they don't need to interact with it.
Its an insistence that whatever they do is right because they own the place.
It is their instance to run as they see fit. I make no attempt to force my opinions on them for how they should run their instance. I can only voice my personal opinions and challenge them to be accountable to theirs.
Simplest answer is: if you are a vegan, do not own a cat. They are obligate carnivores. There is no healthy and humane way around the fact they need to process meat to be healthy. Don't own a cat if you are vegan and don't want to feed your pet other animals.
If you don't want to rehome your cat, you will need to live with the fact that you will need to sacrifice another living mammal in order to feed your pet.
Owning a pet while vegan is already kind of hypocritical..
Simplest answer is if you eat meat, you don't give a fuck about animal abuse. You care about pet abuse, and only just enough so you don't have to research it or try. If you liked kitten steaks you wouldn't care what they were being fed because circle of life, bro. Keep on dumping meow mix into your little chonk's food bowl and telling yourself how moral you are, you brave ethical champion you.
Strange what? Why do people who call themselves Animal lovers then do such horrific things to Animals? Meat eaters, at least, don't act so snooty, they like killing and eating Animals. But these Vegan Guys? Seems like they just want to torture this poor cat. 🥸
Reddit was down. I also occasionally come back when I've burned through all the articles on Reddit to see if anything different pops up here, and then I see shit like Vegans nutritionally starving their pets and people getting their comments removed for not capitalizing someone pronouns correctly when I come back. Sometimes theres extra shit to read here, so I'll probably keep coming back when I've drained reddit of content, but this shit reminds me why I've decided to deal with Reddits BS first before Lemmy's
Define "free speech," because contextually what you want sounds more like "speech without consequence" which is not the same thing, but rather a veil of plausible deniability in which to hide in, while being hateful.
Stop putting words into my mouth, and trying to gaslight me into being silent on mods here removing anything they want to at any time without repercussions.
Wdym? We added that rule extra for that NOT to be the case. As this adds protection for civil discussions on information the user thinks is useful.
Free speech means there wouldnt be any rules as free speech includes hate speech, racism etc... and we do not allow that here and any other instance would probably not meet your expectations of free speech too. Best you go to twitter if you want free speech.
Lmao all this over meat eaters getting mad at vegan cat food? I'm genuinely impressed that redditors are managing to turn Lemmy into a caricature of the godawful website they left.
there is most certainly some level of ethical behavior to follow in this line, theoretically if the being is getting all of the nutrition they need and isn't struggling to survive in that sense, it really shouldn't matter, but at the end of the day, i guess it starts to come back to the ethics behind pet ownership more than anything.
IDK to me it seems like feeding a carnivore a wholly vegan diet is probably ethically dubious at best. Most vegans would probably agree here, ironically. Feeding livestock a generic grain mix is probably not the most ethical decision.
I have no context to the thread that caused this struggle session but as a vegan and someone who knows for a fact people will take that shit out of context anyway I know that most vegans will either not have pets, or if they do don't go as far as to malnourish it.
Most vegans interested in a "vegan cat food" are purely seeing a bunch of tinned/pouch food that claims to be nutritionally complete. I know that for some here the assumption is that vegans are trying to force feed Mr fluffles a carrot and kale soup.
As for whether that food is nutritionally complete depends on the animal, the brand, the testing, and the regulations. Turns out there's a lot less rigor in ensuring foods are safe for animal consumption compared to humans!
The takeaway overall, imho, is that this is one of those times where having an "/R/all" frontpage makes for a great opportunity for a pile on, followed by mod overreach, and then a weird ass ToS change that's more to spite a few people than to do any good.
People will go to any lengths to justify their bad behaviour to themselves.
All you need to do is not interfere in communities where you have no idea what you’re talking about, stop assuming you know better than everyone else just because you have some power over a meaningless message board. This isn’t an anti-vax community we’re talking about here and you’ve totally blown this way out of proportion to prevent admitting that the moderator was out of line.
You, the mod/admin exist to stop spam and hate speech and to empower users with tools and features that they want and find useful. Otherwise, just stay the fuck out of the way. Do not impose your will on your little petty fiefdoms, that is unwanted and unhelpful.
You, the mod/admin exist to stop spam and hate speech and to empower users with tools and features that they want and find useful. Otherwise, just stay the fuck out of the way.
Yeah, and the post in question was about someone hating on their cat in an abusive way. Reason to remove it.
Also, you don't get to decide what the admins exist for, it's their instance, they do. Make your own instance if you want to decide what the admin (i.e.: you) exist for.
You're backing yourself into a corner where you'll have to respond to every shitbird that comes crying some content hurt their feelings. Removing illegal material is the only thing that's expected, moderating people's opinions because they might make someone put glue on pizza is solved by a "nothing on this instance should be considered a fact" banner. It seems petty and the optics only get worse as you slowly burn out and stop being consistent in censoring shit. Because that's what it is. A cat might not be too stoked with its carefully balanced plant-based slop, but it'd be alive. Hope you'll go into kink communities and censor the shit out of risky sexual practices.
So I understand this, vegans promoting vegan cat diets need scientifically proved reproducible peer reviewed studies backing their claims, while the "feed cats whatever garbage is in these cans as long as its meat™" crowd can just say it with their chest, right?
I was under the impression that most criticism was directed not towards veganism per se but rather feeding a carnivore vegan diet which is animal abuse .
We reserve the right to remove information that could cause imminent physical harm to any living being. This includes topics like conversion therapy, unhealthy diets, and dangerous medical procedures. Information that could result in imminent physical harm to property or other living beings may also be removed.
This rogue admin was absolutely not acting with the best intentions. Is he kicked out of the admin team?
He was abusing the term "misinformation" even though it was extremely obvious that he had a personal vendetta against vegans. A vegan pet diet is perfectly possible, and vegans were merely saying that. There was no question for a source by anybody, because the source is just a simply google search away.
This admin is just anti vegan and was on a personal vendetta. He saw an opportunity to classify it as misinformation, so he just started removing posts and banning people. Why was /c/Vegan specifically targeted by this person?
"Oh but this vegan diet for your pet might hurt it!!", bro you're literally the one paying others to slaughter living beings.