Why is everyone shitting on this? I'd much rather our federal government be hiring people to do this kind of work than not. Things like invasive species management are not profitable, and I'm glad Biden is investing in them
I think it's a good idea. I think the timing is terrible for actually doing it. It sounds like it was a well-timed election year announcement and it risks being totally undone by Trump in under a year.
It takes time to put programs together, and explains some barriers in the article. It sounds like you're saying Biden shouldn't enact his policy priorities because there's a chance Trump might get elected...?
Because it smacks of sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is fine. Literally the only thing that's going to finally make everyone get serious about climate change is when they're forced to deal with the consequences of it and along comes the federal government to go "don't worry about those consequences, we'll deal with them". This is also money and effort not solving the problem. The first step before literally anything else needs to be stopping climate change. Once that's taken care of then it's time for programs like this to repair the damage. Until then it's just a bandage on a sucking chest wound, you're literally wasting time and money that won't change anything because the problem is just going to keep getting worse.
It is way worse than most realize. I watched this Climate Town video recently about natural gas and it really was jarring as not only are we not doing enough to reduce emissions, we are actually accelerating them. https://youtu.be/K2oL4SFwkkw?si=jpqQRuHc-IqSwV4w
Maintenance of the Pearl Harbor National Memorial's integrity through regular upkeep of facilities and landscapes. Prioritization of the safety, conservation, and historical preservation to honor the site's significance and ensure an enriching experience for visitors.
How TF does this do anything to mitigate climate change?
Ah yes, because fighting a losing battle against the symptoms rather than the cause sounds like a great time. In the meantime Republicans are busy neutering the last vestiges of actual power from the EPA and trying to actually pass legislation making it illegal for states to regulate the environment. Funny how they scream states rights when it's something they want like discriminating against minorities, but are all too happy to use the federal government to ban anything that's good for the public at the expense of profits.
We need to attract the best for this, if it’s truly meant to parallel the new deal.
This is not going to attract many high impact candidates, and simply won’t pull in people who are experts in their fields. This is not something we can leave to private equity to solve. The government has to get serious about this sooner or later, it’s fiscally irresponsible and inhumane to continue to kick the can down the road.
Now that the roads not too far away, we can still spend big now to save so much down the line.