In the thick of 2020, when COVID-19 was unearthing vast unemployment and breeding global uncertainty, the U.S. saw a peculiar trend. Instead of the anticipated sharp decline, fertility rates dropped only marginally. Key takeaways from a new study, The COVID-19 baby bump in the United States (Martha ...
Stop the population decline? Is this some nazi-centric great replacement bullshit? Our population and birth rates are fine. What the hell kind of propaganda is this?!
edit: maybe this is just a poorly-choosen domain name.
More evidence is popping up that increased social spending and flexible work arrangements, including remote work, can positively impact fertility rates, as shown in California. Yet, influential figures in California like Elon Musk and other Silicon Valley "pronatalists", are against these measures and more. Their opposition to remote work, work flexibility, and social spending, coupled with efforts to hamper new infrastructure projects and drive up housing costs. They will not make it easy to do what's needed.
Ok, then why the domain name? Why the name of the site? Where is this decline?
I mean, at some point in this chart, the admin of the site decided “stoppopulationdecline” was the brand they were going to go with.. and yet, I see no point in this chart where the population was declining.
The only folks I hear talking about the decline of population usually refer to the decline fo the white population.
From what I’ve seen, population decline is usually discussed in terms of birth rates, and less so on the current population declining due deaths. If this site is refering to an increase in deaths as population decline, we would think we would see it on the graph.
It just may be an unfortunate name chosen. It certainly raises my BS alarm.
That Chart does not cover a lot of things and phenomena
A lot of right wing lunatics do talk about whites, especially the creepy nerds who run
people also talk about population decline in reference to Asia and Latin America whose suffering from mass emigration and collapsing fertility , how people are dying younger and younger now in the western world because of austerity and corporate greed, or how young people don’t have homes because of NIMBYs to the town towns are declining, or because of economic strife
It is, however, a graph of the world population. I see your point though.
Not agreeing with pronatalism but it is interesting comparison in domain names. Pronatalist on it's cover sounds nice, like 'prolife'. Who isn't for life?! And births are life! So, hey we found the solution to the population decline, let's all start making babies, pronatalism! Meanwhile I can quickly google and see that wow, population isn't declining, just look at the graph! So, as a visitor to the site who doesn't know anything about it, "pronatalism" "prolife" and "pro-candy" all sound like nice, safe, easy things to get into. Stop population decline sounds like trying to stop a thing that isn't happening until you understand that it's a more nuanced view of population - that decline is happening but on the scale we see in the graph you can't really detect it. (Note:i don't support prolife or pronatalism agendas, i just wanted to do a thought experiment to show my point).
Fair point. It's hard to convey that in a domain name. Maybe stoppopulationdecline does that to most people already.
points out that African American women had it harder during the COVID crisis, the brunt of the crisis's financial and health impacts, and we need serious policies to address.
I didn't call it a nazi site. I was referring to the great replacement theory, which is a nazi theory. Clearly the domain name collided with that theory but it isn't the meaning of the site.
I thought the same and it may be the case still, but skimming the site's content doesn't suggest overt rhetoric. There may be that bias in the agenda somewhere but it seems to focus on human rights issues and not the great replacement theory. Unfortunate domain name, I guess. See my other discussions with op on this link.