@db0@piracy@amazing_Yasuke@kariboka that is a terrible idea if there is no specific reason for it. Anybody should be able to start up an instance and see posts on your instance - as I have done.
@immibis@piracy@amazing_Yasuke@kariboka You don't need to start an instance to do that, you can do it anonymously as well. The whitelisting is to prepare against spammers. Anyway whoever doesn't want to use it, doesn't have to.
@db0@piracy@amazing_Yasuke@kariboka yes, well, please don't enable it except when your server is experiencing spam problems. If this is what's being used on your server, apparently it does not just block people from commenting on your server, but also blocks them from seeing the content on your server, which is not a necessary anti-spam measure.
@db0@piracy@amazing_Yasuke@kariboka Nope, shows as linked, and I don't see any such status page on my end (Pleroma) so I'm going to guess it's probably some bug in the interaction between Pleroma and Lemmy
@immibis@db0@piracy@kariboka probably. I just saw a recent post over on lemmy that said some insurances of kbin don’t work with lemmy correctly and some request are blocked on one side.