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archiotterpup Hey, you wanna learn about ancient Mediterranean religions? Did you know Yahweh is a divorced dad?
Crecganford - Asherah, Wife of God
24 0 ReplyBOMBS OP
go on...
14 0 Replyarchiotterpup Please see edit.
3 0 Reply
Source? I knew he was a philandering asshole, but I didn't know he was divorced before he met Mom.
Shit, maybe he wasn't... now I need a damn drink. Anyone got a spare water bottle?
6 0 ReplyToaster Both of you, hurry up and provide me with more information now that I am interested and therefore invested
8 0 ReplyBizarroland
My guess is the fact that his son had to go through a whole lot of shit to be able to live with him after growing up with his stepdad.
Still pretty tenuous. It takes a lot of liberties with the source materials to arrive at that destination
3 0 Replyarchiotterpup Please see edit
1 0 Reply
archiotterpup Please see edit
2 0 Reply
archiotterpup Religion For Breakfast and Esoterica on YouTube. There are a number of videos on Asherah stones found in pre-Israelite temples next to the Yahweh stones..
2 0 Reply
I do want to know this!! Is the divorce an interpretation of the decline of Asherah worship?
5 0 Replyarchiotterpup Ding ding ding you win!
See edit in original comment for sources
2 0 Reply
Phen That's the sort of knowledge I have no interest in retaining long-time, but am always curious to read up on for hours and hours.
3 0 Reply