We saw this coming when, what was it...Xbone was announced as Always Online only to get scrapped later due to backlash? They've just been waiting and slow-rolling it into everything.
Easier to pull metrics and your data if you're always online. Easier to force other players into your games so they can show off MTX and battlepass items if you're always online.
Steam, as well as numerous other marketplaces, have already proven the piracy boogeyman was nonsense.
The overwhelming majority of customers are happy to pay for games as long as it's not a giant pain in the ass to do so. The people that pirate games either:
Lack the money to buy the game in the first place in their budget
Were motivated by the act of piracy itself
Neither were actually going to pay for the game in the first place. And with the significant increase in both risk and awareness regarding information security, people that were "on the fence" for one of the above reasons have a high probability of deciding not to pirate just to play it safe.
They want us to eventually just pay monthly forever to own nothing, that is where we are going,.
This will lead to more piracy -- I am sure some community is already working to reverse engineer the servers for D4 without blizzard.
Also fuck bobby kotick for ruining a whole generation of gaming.