Trying to turn everything in a -punk genre got exhausting over a decade ago. Anything being "The future of tabletop role-play" is also just stupid hyperbole. It's like saying "The future of movies is superhero action". TTRPGs is a medium just like any other, we can have more than one genre and they can develop side by side without any single one having to "be the future of the medium".
However, this is kinda something I am a bit in to, but not as a full genre. What I really like is playing the character who fights the grimdark with hope and compassion - it's my default character archetype for Warhammer 40k games, it is my current Apocalypse World character, it is probably going to be some of my future characters as well. When everyone is trying to solve their problems with violence, being the one person who try to solve it with cooperation and compassion is so much fun and can really drive story. I think hope or optimism about the future is important parts to include in our campaigns and games but I find turning it in to a whole genre that only does that one thing can make it both too much and uninteresting.