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db2 Must have been nice to afford an mp3 player back then. I bet you unironically Grey Pouponed people too.
1 12 Replyapereli I got one of these for like $20 at Sears. They were far from bougie lol
9 0 Replydb2 I thought the Grey Poupon reference would have made it pretty clear it was a joke, but whatever.
1 1 Reply
Rooty Dongle mp3 players were super cheap, you could get one for basically free in the early aughts.
7 0 ReplySer Salty They're the lowest tier nugget and companies kept giving them away with their logo on it
4 0 Reply
What? These were only like 30 euro, every kid with some pocket money could get one.
2 0 Reply
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