Android Ad Blocker
Android Ad Blocker
Anybody know of a good apk that blocks ads while watching YouTube on my phone app ?
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If you have a rooted device you can always rely on AdAway
7 1 Replynotasandwich1948 adaway is awesome but it won't block youtube ads
3 0 ReplyVitaly
Maybe, i simply use firefox+ublock origin and that's fine for me
1 0 Reply
BiomedOtaku OP My device isn't rooted but I will look into that.
1 0 ReplyCabeza2000 I use AdAway in a non-rooted device and it works fine. You need to use it with a local vpn mode to function.
2 0 ReplyCmdrShepard Same. Doesn't work for youtube ads though as they're served from the same place as the video content. AFAIK browser based blocking is the only way to do it.
3 0 Reply
You can try it
1 0 Reply
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