Well. Would be nice, if before that was even considered, that you're not afraid of getting shanked for your wallet everytime you walk out the door, walking at a brisk pace to wherever you need to go. Public safety needs to be improved before this kind of thing can be considered.
There are places in which this is very much a real concern, but it's also a narrative I've heard my entire life about certain cities or areas of the city. I've often found that this is an exaggeration when compared to actual crime maps (and doubly so in the context of minority areas being over policed) and the experiences of people who live in these areas.
Do you live on 8 mile or something? I know not everywhere is super safe, but I feel like being afraid of being shanked for your wallet everytime you leave has more to do with your anxieties and mental health than it does the reality of wherever it is you live
Oh well the linked article is discussing a study done about America and other western developed nations. So I figured you were talking about your experiences in one of them and not a developing nation.