Different times, different causes, and different ratios of incidents to total cars. I hate Musk, think any potential for Teslas has declined heavily in quality, and lots of mistakes have been made in its development. But this kind of comparison is a definite apples and oranges. Plus grouping every incident under "blows up" and the cause of death is a bit much. How many of those were due to drivers? How many Teslas that did have some fire warned their driver to pull over and save them, vs. a Pinto that...would just catch fire and couldn't possibly do that.
I mean be fair if you're going to be critical. There is plenty to be critical about, especially with the disaster known as the Cybertruck. Plus the last part...if no one is hearing about it, then why is it a damn meme at this point, and unjustified because while Tesla fires are a nasty thing to put out, there are still far more ICE fires, and THEY only get a side note in the local news, if that.
The fact is that cars should have gotten safer but not all have and you're here trying to say on some technicality that it's ok. But you don't even have facts to back that up
I never said anything like that, but if that's your perception of it, then so be it.
If you want a commonality of the two situations separated by 50 years, both car companies in their own ways have tried to rationalize the problems to downplay them, because in all that time it's still cheaper to pay settlements and fines than to fix the core problems. That is true beyond the car industry.