Is it better to eat a entire bag of Oreos all at once, or spread over the whole day?
Is it better to eat a entire bag of Oreos all at once, or spread over the whole day?

If we MUST eat a entire bag of Oreos.
Which scenario is better?
- Eat the entire bag in 30 minutes
- Eat the bag slowly, and evenly throughout a day?
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LittleTarsier As a Canadian, unfortunately the answer is now to not eat them at all because they are an American product. This breaks my heart because I am the type of person that would eat an entire bag throughout the day :(
40 8 Replyivanafterall ☑️
What about Canadian off-brand? Is that a thing? Like at Canadamart or Tim Horton's or wherever y'all shop?
7 0 ReplyTriflingToad technically it's an off off brand because Oreos themselves are an off brand
8 0 Replyivanafterall ☑️
True, but Hydrox is also American, so no dice.
5 0 ReplyTriflingToad darn :(, I tried
5 0 Reply
Bloomcole So Canada doesn't have decent cookies either?
I tried them once (in EU) to see what those famous cookies were like and they're crap.
Not even mediocre.3 0 ReplyLittleTarsier We have "Eat the Middle First" but they're not that great sadly
3 0 Reply
Anas This breaks my heart because I am the type of person that would eat an entire bag throughout the day :(
It gets easier, trust me. We’ve been boycotting American (and more) products over here for a while, I barely miss anything anymore.
3 0 ReplyAngryishHumanoid Yes that's very on point for the question being asked, thanks.
7 6 Reply