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I don’t think federation vs centralization is the primary differentiator. I think corporate vs non-profit/ad-free/donation-only/volunteerism is. Our marketing budget is goose egg. It’s all word-of-mouth.
Yeah I keep pushing for to buy ads on Google and Bing.
I can also see some people being opposed to them spending the donation money on ads, since they'd be giving money to companies that may be in opposition to what we're doing here (or ideological reasons around the advertising industry in general).
Maybe if there was a separate pool of donations specifically for advertising, then people who want to support that can donate to it? Those who don't can still donate to the projects themselves
Ads on the street (like at bus stops) could work well too
You can even do it yourself for the price of wheatpaste and printing
That's a smart idea. Instances can buy ads for their specializelation