I bought it a couple of months ago and oh boy this game is amazing. The story is really well written. I am not much of a first person shooter guy but this game is definitely worth it. The story is great, the atmosphere is amazing, it is a really well made game and especially now with the overall international state of affairs and the rise of AI, its depressively dystopian story feels even more relatable and even the fighting is fun and versatile.
Good to know. I played a little bit of it at launch and thought it was pretty cool (I didn’t notice many bugs when I played), but never bought it. I know it’s supposed to be much better now and I’ve heard good things about the DLC too. Maybe I will hit that buy button
The gameplay is boring and the story is confusing; don't bother unless you just want some eye candy to show off what your 4090/5090 can do. The game is a heavily polished turd.