And what is the difference between them winning and losing? I’ve been voting for them for years and hating it every time and getting nothing but excuses.
that's a difference. Right there. Dems don't make things better but they don't make things worse. I hate dems but until new party forms I will encourage people to vote dem or at least third party over staying at home because that's put us here. Once the GOP is gone we can collectively give dems the middle finger. DNC knows this which is why they act the way they do.
People have been saying this since I was able to vote: “Just vote for the dems you hate now until they have enough power then we can vote for who we want.”
And in all that time the republicans have gotten more powerful.
There will never be a time in my life where the GOP is gone. And probably not my children’s either.
Of course you are. As am I. But that doesn't mean I'm willing to just "give up." Yes I'll vote against Trump at all chance even if it means I'll lose. Because I may not.
I don't want a leader who is fucking exciting or a firebrand. I just want a competent administrator who treats the nation as something to be preserved. And that's a hard sell against a cheap auto-salesman like Trump.
Republicans make things worse, of course , but democrats don’t or can’t make things better.
But those are the only two options. So you pick a democrat and hope for the best.
If the democrats are the best we can hope for then we are well and truly boned.
And how much longer am I gonna have to hold my nose and vote for an asshole I hate before they get enough power to mean I don’t have to?
Will I be dead before I can actually vote for someone I want to be in office? And even then will they have a stroke and start schlonging conservative dick?
Politics is a game designed to be so infuriating that most people rage quit.
You're saying this in a thread about a Democrat who won. What is the difference of Chuck Schumer was there or not? It seems to be the same result either way.
Oh yes here we go another comment about if they don't have a complete and total majority that they have no power whatsoever. What fucking bunk. He was elected as a senator by the people of the state of New York. He has a solemn and sacred duty to serve those people. It doesn't matter if other people didn't win election it's still his fucking job. If he can't fucking do it he should resign as should the rest of the useless parasites in that party who don't feel they have any responsibilities left to the public.
What a useless party this is and what useless people who are loyal to it.
You kids act like there's some sort of consolation prize. Is it because you all got participation trophies or something when you were children? You lost the house, the senate, the presidency and the f'gin SCOTUS.
What political power do you think you really have anymore? Whining on lemmy about how you don't want to vote for a boring candidate? No wonder MAGA is winning. They f'ing vote.
Republicans never had a problem fucking shit up when they didn't have a majority. Dems should be doing the same thing. Kick and scream and make the Republicans fight every step of the way. Stop rolling over immediately and letting them fuck us all.
Right now they need to focus on stopping the republicans from doing shit, that's it, and they're not even trying. Everyone knows nothing is going to improve until Musk, Trump and the rest are gone so focus on just mucking up their works.
The complete destruction of civil rights, a stable state, trade relations, diplomatic relations, the integrity of elections, the actual health if the nation, so on and so on.
My (and other) country being threatened with invasion? Not only ruining your only economy but intentionally destroying countless others? Setting up nazi-esque camps? LGBTQ+ people being othered to the point of violence? What is wrong with you
Even if the Democrats did absolutely nothing the moment they got voted in to the day they were voted out, it’d be immeasurably better than the shit the Republicans are doing.
This way of thinking is why the rest of the world is getting pissed off at ALL Americans, not just the Republicans.
Edit: do some harm reduction and THEN fight for better politics. With the way things are going there’s only going to be one party to “vote” for anyway
Because you can't build things, you can't fix things, you can't make positive progress, with a scintilla of power. You can often BREAK things if you have a slim majority, because that's easier than building things.
The two major things Democrats have brought us in the last 20 years have been Obamacare, which happened during the two months of actual control Democrats had, and the IRA, which was a masterful bit of politics that Biden and Democrats managed to pull off despite not having a supermajority.
So how do we break the cycle of Dems never getting enough power to do more than slap a band aid on things? Keep voting for them like I have for decades? Because that's been working so fucking well.
And maybe if they acted like a goddamn opposition party Republicans wouldn't be able to wreck shit with a bare majority. Like maybe don't hand Donald Trump a blank check.
Why is that my problem? Shouldn’t the Democratic Party be doing that already? Isn’t that why they’re always begging for money? Wasn’t that what the billion dollars they wasted fighting Trump was for?
Why even have a political party if it’s up to individuals to do this?
Because that's how the concept of democracy works. It's not like a fucking Doordash order you can make. "Hello I'd like one democracy please". If you're a citizen, it's your problem. You want your people or your policies to win, then you have to convince people to vote for them.
Because they haven't actually won in a long ass time. Aside from the few months in 2012 that gave us the ACA, it's been nothing but ties or Republican wins since the Bill Clinton days.
If you just want a party that wins and you don't care about how any of it works or what the party actually does, yeah, MAGA is for you. It's great. When you win, cool. When you don't, it's because the other guys cheated.
The political parties are not fucking sports teams who go out there and play and either win or lose. You vote for them, or don't, and they consequently win, or don't.
Do you even know what a political party is? It's not some company that you pay to provide you a service. It's not some big vending machine where you put in x and are disappointed you didn't receive y.
A political party is a group of people, largely volunteers, trying to convince people of their agendas.
You're trying to purchase a victory for Dems with your vote but it doesn't work like that. You're treating it like you're in line at McDonald's ordering a burger but getting cat food and now you storm in waving your receipt and want to talk to the manager.
Right, and they’re trying to convince people about their agendas to try to win elections, right?
I don’t expect it to happen like a transaction. But I do expect the very expensive political consultants who the party employs to at least win something.
If a political party is as bad as the democrats at winning and keeping power, what’s the damn point beyond employing very expensive and ineffective political consultants?
The democrats have been failures my entire life, and I still vote for them. I still donate and I even volunteered. And all my efforts are for naught because the party is terrible at doing the first thing it needs to do: Win votes.
Them winning makes it harder for the Chuck Schumer's of the world to come up with excuses for caving to Republicans. Simply electing anyone with a (D) behind their name isn't sufficient, but it is a necessary step one of unfucking the country.
Same. FWIW, I felt totally alone when I was complaining about this stuff decades ago, now even the most moderate people I know will say things about Republicans that I wouldn't repeat on public forums.
Step 2 will never come.
Honestly, I don't know if you're right or not, but I do know that they will make it feel impossible right up until it actually happens, and I just don't think there's any better way forward than this (admittedly difficult) one
There’s no “they” doing it. It’s a fact of the structure of the government and 250 years of cruft. We can’t not vote for the democrats, no matter how bad they are, which means they don’t need to care what we think.
Schumer is a Democratic Senator. On lemmy, you've got some people calling Republicans fascist, and another group calling Democrats fascist. The Republicans did a sig heil during Trump's inauguration, so I'll let you figure out which one is fascist.
I think you're missing their point. They aren't saying they are going to do that, or that it's a good idea, they're saying enough people are going to react that way for it to be a problem. It's not good enough to be correct, you need to be convincing. Just because I can hold my nose and vote for the lesser evil doesn't mean I'm not concerned that not everyone will.
I agree, but we should all be very well aware that most voters are going to act irrationally and conduct ourselves accordingly. Any logical observer could see that the Dems candidate wasn't as bad as the Repubs in 2016 and 2024, and look at all the good that did us.
If this were true GOP lawmakers would be pushing for a shutdown themselves.
I think the most honest answer is nobody knows what would happen after a shutdown with this administration because they've just been making up federal law as they go this whole time anyway, but really the fact that Schumer and Fetterman want this bill to pass while Sanders Warren and AOC want it to fail should be all you need to know to know.
If this were true GOP lawmakers would be pushing for a shutdown themselves.
Weird how every time this is brought up, they dodge the comment, yet continue to get mad at Dems trying to do the one thing that would have stopped Trump.
Holding up makes the dismantling a legal affair to be solved in the Courts.
This CR in Sec. 1113 (b) allows the President to begin sequestration, which basically renders all those legal cases moot.
This CR as is is the sole thing Trump needs to avoid any more legal cases related to firing whoever he wants and shutting down whichever department he feels like.
Section 1113 of the CR just basically says that if the President gets rid of someone under sequestration then the budget automatically adjusts to match no need to pass another budget, no need for Congress to get involved.
The Democrats could argue for this to be removed to keep the cases in the Courts, but once this passes with this language, none of those Court cases matter.
Well they'll matter in that the cases will establish that they couldn't be fired back in February but with the new law they can now be fired. So the cases will actually go on but to basically argue over how to pay the employees for those four or so weeks that they weren't legally fired.
The courts are fighting back. A lot of people fired by Musky are getting thier jobs back. The executive orders are being challenged and revoked. Trump and Company have been using a gatling gun of disorder, but it is being countered.
It's a delaying tactic. If the government shuts down, nothing can move forward. They can't fire people and continue destroying offices because those employees all get paid through the shutdown but nobody can do any work. Any of the paperwork involved - pink slips, etc. can't go through because there's nobody there to send them or even read the emails.
If a shutdown helped the Republicans, then that's what they would've been going for in the first place.
Every extra day it takes them is a day where things haven't gotten worse for everyone and an extra day for the already fracturing Krasnov administration to continue to fall apart and eat itself.