"Working people are done with performative solidarity," said Rep. Delia C. Ramirez in response. "Either you stand with us against the Republican CR, or you stand with the Musk-Trump authoritarian agenda."
I am almost certain that Schumer is being threatened. Not with political consequences, but with actual violence. Maybe against his family. Blackmail at the very least.
I have no love for the man, and while he is a spineless, contemptible coward, something about his sudden reversal on this just doesn't add up. I think there's more at play here than the normal Democrat fecklessness. Someone got to him in a way that goes beyond the typical backroom dealings. I'm calling shenanigans.
Not a sudden reversal, this is all what he wants. The idea that these corporate Democrats are against what Trump's doing is false. Chuck Schumer is perfectly happy with deregulation. He's perfectly happy with rolling back every bit social quality we've established in the last 100 years. All of them are. Neoliberals are 100% okay with Donald Trump.
Except he previously stated his intent to fight, and the rest of the party is absolutely roasting him right now, including some of the most milquetoast centrist Dems. I don't doubt that he's a neolib, but something is off. If this was in any way in the interests of neolib Dems, more of them would be falling in line with him instead of allying with Berniebros and tankies to light his ass up, something I thought hell would freeze over before I would see.
Nah, something's off. Either the rest of the party suddenly grew a spine and some integrity, or someone got to Schumie. The latter is far more likely.
Something's off? From what? This is what he does. It's what he's done for years. Even the timing of a statement a few days ago was on purpose. Designed to make this betrayal even more damaging. To take the legs out of opposition. Not to give the opposition time.
As for interest of the neolibs, winning by a lot of votes isn't any more valuable than winning by a few. They just need it to pass. If it passes in a way that lets them keep fundraising all the better for them. If it passes in a way that allows them to keep underminding actual opposition to their goals awesome for them.
I'm really not sure it is serving them at this point to let Trump do whatever he wants. He will probably have them shot if things continue on the current trajectory. I'm not sure why they think they are safe. He isn't playing by the old rules where the political class is insulated. He will straight up fucking kill them if he feels like it. This is Mad King territory and they know it.