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Prunebutt AI slop... ew...
15 4 Replytechnocrit If you think that this meme is the problem with "AI", then you really don't understand the problem with "AI".
2 4 ReplyPrunebutt Normalizing "AI" is a gateway to "the problem with 'AI'"
6 0 Reply
Bellingdog OP Go brigade elsewhere, we're making memes over here.
5 10 ReplyPrunebutt No, you're spreading AI slop. Not one inch.
13 4 ReplyFinal Remix Seriously. It's like 2 minutes to do a color burn on some spots on his face in Affinity or Photoshop.
8 3 ReplyBellingdog OP It's slop by definition, so who gives a rat's ass if generative AI had a hand in it? I'm not making art, fella.
2 4 Reply
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