Cool, and I’ll ask that you not only let me know when doing absolutely nothing starts winning elections, but also that you let me know when time when it ever has.
Better yet- how about you tell me of an instance in history when not doing shit has ever won anything at all.
Your refusal to vote helped put us right where Trump wanted. Own that shit.
Clinton was a much better candidate than trump. Like, miles ahead. They tried to pin benghazi on her for months and it was proven time and again she wasn't responsible for it. The other argument was "but her emails". She was experienced. She was intelligent. She didn't sexually assault anyone. She didn't go bankrupt every few years. She even won the popular vote. But she was a she, so that's apparently a deal breaker in swing states.
No point of yours was made, therefore there was no point to prove.
And what I’m doing, is diverting the blame to where it lies. You can tell yourself all you need to believe you had no part in creating the dumpster fire we’re currently burning in, but do me a favor and just stick with telling that to yourself, okay? Because anyone with a brain that has even slightly been paying attention is tired of watching you people ignorantly pointing your fingers at everyone but your smug and entitled selves.