It's so fucking infuriating that practically every election, if it were possible, "did not vote" would win the presidency.
We're always looking at some stupidly close, razor margins bullshit, when there's a MASSIVE group of people that unfortunately just couldn't possibly give a shit less....
I vote that if "did not vote" wins, that means "nobody" wins, and therefore "nobody" is president for 4y, try again next time.
I also vote that we as a country take a que from Talkeetna, AK. We should elect a cat president, if one can be mayor why not? And a cat will do better than any human I've met, so..
Plenty of people who don't vote give a shit, but feel that neither party gives a shit about them. Blame those who keep offering up shit candidates instead of those who won't bend over and be coerced into voting for shit candidates.