I've had enough of this "you can't blame democrats for what Republicans are doing." They've set up and maintained a system where they're the only people who can push back on the fascists, and now that the time has come they're refusing to stand up, and keeping anyone else from standing up.
They're not just incompetent, they're complicit. The billionaires and Republicans are our Nazis, and the Democrat leadership are our Vichy France.
Don't worry both sides are not the same though so you can take that to the bank, not the same bank that the democrats are cashing their corporate checks in though because that would be unseemly.
I'm not an advocate for "Both sides are the same" but I am an advocate for "Democrats are failing to meet the moment and we should fire the whole leadership."
For real, all last year they were telling us that democracy itself is at risk, but now that it's actually collapsing they're proceeding with business as usual?