There was a post recently for how to bypass paywalls and one of the suggestions was to prefix to the url.
So I created a shortcut in iOS to do just that and that can be used directly in Safari from the share sheet.
Instead of sharing the shortcut through iCloud, I’ve posted the screenshot here so you can create your own. After creating the shortcut, click on the Share button on any website with a paywall, select the shortcut name, and the website would open in a new window without the paywall.
I don’t know anything about iOS shortcuts or share sheets. I would need a step by step to use this. Either way thanks.
Edit trying to get it to work. Will report back.
Edit2: Ok it took me a minute to figure shortcuts app. Kinda weird how it works. But I have it changing the url as it is supposed to. I did learn that doesn’t work with wsj, nyt, or wapo.