How many cars go down your street each day? How fast were they going? What about folks out on a walk or people riding bikes? It’s not an easy question to answer, as most of us have better thi…
I really like that it tracks speed. Being able to tell officials that a significant portion of drivers are speeding seems like a great first step when requesting stop signs or speed bumps.
It’s possible to still track speed using a video feed instead. You just have to know the distance between two static points within the videos frame. Time naught = passes first static point, time final = passes second static point.
Velocity = distance / time
Although I’m not sure how or if this would impact the battery life of the device.
Yeah, but I'm not allowed to just video tape the street all day long. A Doppler radar that gives me data to argue for a permanently installed speed control on the other hand would be fine
Dope, I’ll get a large SUV or truck to replace my small hatchback so I don’t have to slow down at all. Larger vehicles improve pedestrian safety right?
Speed bumps are a bandaid being used as a solution. They fuck with emergency vehicles, encourage rapid braking and acceleration, incentivize getting a larger vehicle, reduce gas mileage, and create noise from braking and acceleration. I’ll take literally any other traffic calming measure over a speed bump.
Speed bumps are pretty much the worst option for speeding. Lane narrowing, adding curves, and lane diets should be preferred, and you can try them out at similar costs with plastic bollards or even cones. That being said if you want speed bumps, install elevated sidewalks instead.