The pair traveled to California after reportedly trying to pressure a top government official to open the water pump
DOGE staffers Tyler Hassen and Bryton Shang tried pressuring the Bureau of Reclamation to open a California water pump to aid Los Angeles during January’s wildfires, though the system couldn’t reach the city.
When denied, they flew there to do it themselves but failed due to maintenance and access restrictions.
Critics called DOGE a “slapstick operation of 20-somethings they’re seeing as whiz kids but have zero knowledge.”
Trump later ordered dam releases, flooding farmland. Critics called DOGE’s actions reckless and uninformed.
Idiocy can explain a lot, but malice makes everything they've done and everything they're trying to do make a lot more sense.
These acts are intentional and, even if these kids don't understand, the people who are calling the shots do and these are not mistakes (even if they claim otherwise); They have been planning this for years and have the backing of multiple billionaires who are clearly more than happy to facilitate all this.
My admittedly tepid understanding of both Hanlon's and Occam's Razor and how it relates to DOGE fuckery tells me that in this and many other cases, Hanlon's Razor doesn't fit as well as Occam's Razor because the more straightforward reason is that malice is a simpler explanation for their behavior than stupidity, which is somewhat counterintuitive regarding their actions.
So many news articles questioning how these acts could be expected to help and hwo foolish they are when the answer is much, much simpler - the damage is in purpose. The harm is on purpose. The rest of the US can no longer assume "good intentions" from their caretakers. It's all malice from here on out.
They can be pretty sure that the idiots that support them won't find out how moronic their efforts really are. Sure, NORMAL Americans know how stupid this is, but who cares about that?
Because the water would go where they want it to go. You just don't understand where they want it to go or why.
You think they want it to go to where the fires are. That's wrong.
They want it to go into the central valley to refill the giant lake and swamp ecosystem that used to be there.
They don't care about the short-term needs of people who need to drink or put out fires or grow crops. They are making decisions entirely from the perspective of longtermism. They see restoring the central valley's swamp ecosystem as the overwhelming long-term good, regardless of any short-term consequences.
Right idea, reckless implementation. It's also not clear that just dumping as much water as possible into the central valley is the best way to restore the swamp ecosystem. So much of the valley's hydrology and ability to retain water have been damaged since the cotton farmers drained the lake after the civil war. This is a restoration that needs to be done slowly and deliberately, both to not kill people who currently rely on that water and to manage the environmental impacts on the basin of suddenly reintroducing water that it's spent 150 years adapting to live without.
I'm confused. Wasn't Trumps mission to drain the swap? Why is he now trying to fill it back up? Is he that old and senile he doesn't know what the plan is anymore?