I really appreciate the link to a story on this because I hate out of context video. But I really wish they had used a different outlet like Mastodon or Bluesky, I hate giving any traffic to Xwitter.
for real, who watches this video and thinks "nah, riot police would never do that - I demand a source" 🤦♀️
EDIT: reading TingoTenga's comment history, I wonder if they were intending to be sarcastic or humorous? Or maybe they are just responding to the title of the post and not the video?
The only way it would be more believable is if it was in the US and a labor strike with sanitation workers after MLK did his "at the mountain top" speech.
even if AI generated videos are increasingly common, there was nothing about this video that required suspension of disbelief or made me think it might be fake
Even when a source is consistent with your world views, I can respect some healthy skepticism and desire for context. Otherwise your world views may be exploitable somehow.
skepticism is likewise exploitable, and useful for ignoring evidence - the fact that the video does not seem to be produced by AI is not a conclusion reached from a world view or bias, but unwillingness to believe it's real might be