The General strike -the people united shall never be stopped. If we strike together we can make true real change. Sign the strike card today.
We’ve voted, we’ve protested, and still, they ignore us. Our government refuses to meet our basic needs while the billionaire class hoards wealth and power. The General Strike is a grassroots network of regular people who know our greatest power is our labor and our right to refuse it. We aim to unite every person and organization fighting for racial, economic, and environmental justice so that together, we can see real change in our lifetimes.
For transparency, I'm Canadian, but I figured I'd share.
It'd be a lot different if they were making moves to get as many as those 300k to the capital as possible. Its much harder to ignore when the protesting and striking is on your front lawn.
Thank you for allowing it! I tried to find an article covering this group, but as I've mentioned, it's been difficult. With ongoing censorship on other platforms, I hoped the webpage as a primary source would be good enough (or even better than a poorly written article full of ads).