Visited Adams Small goods as suggested yesterday. Bought a couple of each type of sausage. Smoker currently running with the pork in it and snags will go in a couple of hours before dinner.
So can confirm that the hot bratwurst were friggin amazing. The rest of them were pretty damn good too and the pulled pork came up a treat.
So good I forgot to stop and take any photos.
Thanks for the Adams recommendation. There was a massive queue of people there but definitely worth waiting for. Picked up a couple of pretzels while I was there, provably could have bought a bunch more if I had room in the fridge!
Its a bit United Nations at times down there, I love it. So many different nationalities all coming together to enjoy some delicious smoked meats.
I hope you got some gypsy ham? Or one of their pre-made sammiches from down near the coffee machine? If you're ever in the area its the best lunch stop you'll ever make.