Elections are a popularity contest with weird rules more than anything....
But the DNC kept trying to force uncharismatic candidates with conservative policy down voters throats, and stole funds from state parties to focus on that costing us down ballot races making losing have even more consequences.
They haven't just been putting all our eggs in one basket.
They put it in the basket of a 20 year old shitty child's bike and then put Biden on and pushed him into the interstate.
Voter can't fail a party, but Dems have been failing their voters for decades.
I'm optimistic Martin will change that, enough to give him a fair shot and not just a month.
Dems have absolutely been failing to be an effective political party, but good lord I'd rather have the milquetoast incompetency on democratic control of the government than this abaolute shitshow that Republicans have been running for the last... God it's only been a month and a half since the inauguration.
And American voter's first job is to responsibly inform themselves so they can make informed decisions come election time.
The Democrat party's voting history is there for anyone to peruse through. I'll save you the trouble and inform you that it is FULL of votes in favor of the lower/middle classes.
If the Democrat party fails to advertise themselves effectively, that voting history is still there, waiting for non-lazy Americans to inform themselves with. If Americans choose not to do that, then they are failing at their civic duty as citizens in a democracy. And now our democracy is in serious jeopardy because of their laziness.
And American voter's first job is to responsibly inform themselves so they can make informed decisions come election time.
The Democrat party's voting history is there for anyone to peruse through. I'll save you the trouble and inform you that it is FULL of votes in favor of the lower/middle classes.
If the Democrat party fails to advertise themselves effectively, that voting history is still there, waiting for non-lazy Americans to inform themselves with. If Americans choose not to do that, then they are failing at their civic duty as citizens in a democracy. And now our democracy is in serious jeopardy because of their laziness.
You win elections with the electorate you have, not the electorate you want.
Clearly people are not responsibly informed and do not make informed decisions. Democrats need to account for the fact that most Americans are idiots if they want to control anything except a few states and cities.
There are too few non-lazy Americans for them to rely on them for victory.
Nope, but they can sure fail their country. And did.
I'm an adult, so I'll take an uncharismatic candidate over a traitor felon rapist who deconstructs our federal government, destroys our allegiances, fucks up our economy, and bends the knee to Russia.
But I accept that a LOT of Americans are simply children trapped in adult bodies.
I’m an adult, so I’ll take an uncharismatic candidate over a traitor felon rapist
But like a whole shit ton of people tried to warn for the last year now, Biden/Kamala we're enough to beat trump.
We'll need all the voters again, we won't need anyone that was involved in either of their campaigns though. So why shit on the literal tens of millions we need in defense of less than an airplane's worth of people who hightailed it back to their mansions?
You get that, right? We don't have to run uncharismatic conservative candidates to beat trump, it's literally the worst option we have
We can just run a charismatic candidate with a progressive campaign promise like we did with Obama. Did you forget that?
So why shit on the literal tens of millions we need in defense of less than an airplane’s worth of people who hightailed it back to their mansions?
You answered your own question.
That airplane's worth of people come and go. They won't be relevant next time around.
The tens of millions of people that failed to do their civic duty and inform themselves responsibly, waiting around instead for a party to court them until they felt appeased, will still be there, not doing their civic duty next time around.
And that is why the fault rests on American voters, not politicians that come and go.
So you think insulting them and badgering them that they shouldn't have a single standard then letter by name...
You think this is the most effective move to get them back in the party?
You don't even kind of think what would be most effective is explaining to people how the DNC works and what the new chair is like would work better?
Cuz like, I just have a bachelor's in psychology, so I would absolutely love to hear what I'm missing where you think the best way to recruit people in the fight against fascism is yelling insults.
If you want to help, actually want to help, can you do what will actually work and not work against the party?
I know the PUMA people are still around and bitter from 08, this is starting to feel like that. I tend to just block those people tho so I can concentrate on what translates to Dem gains in the federal government