I know the article says this is just something going around on social media, but fuck me, sometimes I go to a dark place and think maybe measles should win. Maybe evolution needs to cull this dipshittery.
Then I think of the kids who don't have a choice. Why are people so fucking dumb?
Evolution is cruel, and if that particular strain of stupid results in fewer successful offspring, maybe we're better off as a species.
I definitely read too much science fiction and think about this shit on a grand scale constantly, so sometimes I have to be reminded about being fucking human. And apparently these dumbass parents might need to be too.
If good genetic material can be trained to be stupid as fuck which is a high probability with the parents in question. It's unfortunate for the children, but probably best for society.
Look I just can't help not responding to this. I need to emphasize this.
This is not how genetics actually works at all and what you are suggesting is fucking eugenics rooted in a complete misunderstanding of genetics. Go peddle what amounts to Nazi shit elsewhere fucking please. They misunderstood genetics in the same fucking way.