If Biden/Kmala had more loyalty to the American people than Israel's genocide we could have avoided all this...
But that's the big lie with neoliberalism. They don't want a continuous string of "moderate" presidents. They need villains like trump to destroy things so they can get applause for fixing 10% of the damage.
I just can't think of another reason they refuse to stop being so antagonistic towards their own voters.
The only way they can be this out of touch, is if they're actively trying to lose.
You blame Kamala for the majority of American voters choosing Trump?
Anyone who didn't vote or voted for Trump is to blame. It's no one else.
Kamala could have promised to personally shoot a Palestinian baby and you still should have voted for her because Trump has already killed 17. And it's not a surprise. It was a campaign promise to genocide Palestine.
Of course she's to blame. She had an easy win, against the lowest approved president we've had and chose genocide and billionaires over winning.
I always find it telling when people blame those who couldn't stomach voting for genocide, instead of blaming the Democratic leadership for running on a platform of genocide.
I don't think it's that wrong. With what I've heard the Dem party is as undemocratic as it can get. You or I have no say in party operations. Even candidates - except for the president - have little say over how it operates. They don't even hear of meetings where big decisions are made.
No wonder they're out of touch when the only opinions that matter are corporate donors and billionaires
Blaming Person B is a distraction to the fact that their simping for Person A. Now we're all arguing over Person B instead of Person A. Like I said, just loooove it.
The fact that it's the fascists' own fault goes without saying. They're irredeemably evil complete monsters and will not change no matter what we do, so what's the fucking point talking about it?
We talk about the Democrats' failure to stop them because that's the only part of this that we had any chance of actually fixing!
Let me put it this way: if there's a rabid dog running loose biting people, and we complain that its owner is irresponsible for refusing to put it down, do you think we're simping for the fucking dog?
Yep, the DNC forced candidates people didn't want to vote for, and now no one wants to blame the DNC for the results of their own choices against the voters will.
I'm assuming you're being sarcastic tho, because is sure as hell haven't been loving the results.
Because most of it was stolen from state parties via the "victory fund" and that just keeps handing Republicans House and even Senate states ...
Like, if that money didn't matter, why didnt we leave it with the state parties so Trump wouldn't have the House and Senate?
Because saying 1.5 billion isn't enough to compete with dem voters online who don't like the candidate...
I fucking bet we could have won three house seats for 500 million a pop and trump couldn't be doing what he wants right now ....
Luckily the new DNC chair is going back to being competitive in down ballots again.
But fuck man, are you really saying you think we need to keep throwing even more of eggs into one basket? Even after that one basket spent four years telling us anyone who thought the presidency basket mattered is an idiot.
All these supposedly leftist assholes that where willing to sacrifice everyone and everything stomping their feet and telling people to stay home, BOTH SIDES!1!1, helped usher in this hellscape and they perfectly well KNEW this would be the outcome of their actions.
My current favorite is talking about how terrible Project 2025 is going to be (it is) and in the same breath mocking the idea of voting for Dems in the 2024 election.
Golly gee. If only there were a politician, however bad, who was NOT going to implement Project 2025. I wonder if we might not be here.
People are mad at you but I totally blame professional politicians for not being able to convince enough people to keep that asshole from getting elected.
They’re terrible at their jobs and deserve blame.
ETA: if you disagree with me don’t bother writing a 10,000 character reply. I won’t read it because I’ve heard all the excuses before. Like for my entire life. Just downvote me.
That's not what it was. They hated Bill Clinton just as much as they hated Barack Obama, the only difference was Faux was created in late 1996 and didn't go fully off the deep end and got popular till 03 with the Iraq war...
Like, the only reason there was ever the big push saying it was Obama, was bullshit neoliberals doing what they always do.
It's the first rule of American neoli liberalism:
No matter what the result, say we need to move right.
Just like they claimed their crime bill did what the ban on leaded gas did for crime rates, just like they said de-regulation did what the dotcom boom did to the economy...
The rise of conservative media started when Clinton allowed it to:
But they wouldn't have had the megaphone to unite them under trump if not for the telecommunications act of 1996, right?
You understand that is the root cause of our current situation right?
Because you're still not blaming the right people.
the racists who couldn’t accept a black man.
Or am I just "whooshing" here and that was a reference to the neoliberal wing who's idea it was and how they'd rather have trump than anyone like Obama again?
Or am I just "whooshing" here and that was a reference to the neoliberal wing who's idea it was and how they'd rather have trump than anyone like Obama again?
They'd rather have any white male rather than any woman or anyone else of color. But after all the investment and effort in Trump, no point trying to put someone else in the seat so they stuck with him.
They’d rather have any white male rather than any woman or anyone else of colo
It has absolutely nothing with Obama.
1996 (early): Clinton gets rid of the regulation that was requiring the media to not just blatantly lie. (A cynic would say so billionaire owned media could shit on progressives and say neoliberalism is working)
1996 (October): Faux goes on air.
2001: Bill leaves office, GW enters.
Then 9/11 which is what Faux used to radicalize their voters, and they had 7 years to do so.
We could have elected the ghost of Ronald Reagan in 08 and they'd have gotten the same results as Obama from Faux News.
Don't blame Obama for being Black
Blame the administration that literally de-regulated the media, if it wasnt for Bill Clinton, how they treated Obama legally couldn't have happened*
I feel like I'm just repeating the same thing, but it is important we understand how we got here.
So fuck it, I'll keep repeating this for whoever asks, as many times as necessary
hated Bill Clinton just as much as they hated Barack Obama
Did you watch any Fox News during either Presidency? They hated Clinton, but they went full bigfuck on Obama. Same for "man in the street" opinions. The people grumbling about Clinton went apeshit when Obama got in. I'd never seen such on outpouring of hate in American politics.