Something that I realized about the fediverse is that you seem to be able to criticize the USA as a whole, but if you criticize the Democrats you get downvoted. Democrats suck they are not sacred cows
Democrats suck and are ineffectual at accomplishing their (generally decent) goals.
Republicans are trying to turn the US into a dicatorship. I hope this was a hyperbolic statement, but it seems like this is where we are now.
Why can't we be critical of democrats by being selective in the primaries? I think that a protest vote for an independent candidate, especially if you were in a swing state, has proven to have been a very poor choice.
To add to my initial point, I think that we are seeing a lot of post-hoc rationalization from non-voters and protest voters.
You would have to be crazy to prefer the outcome that we got over having Kamala, and if you contributed to our current situation, fuck you.
Don't just "call them", they actively sabotage them in a way they never do with a reactionary. Labor did it to Corbyn as well, this is deeply ingrained in bourgeois "democracies", if you can vote for somebody who will try to bring change, they've already fucked up a bunch of times.
Their generally decent goals of bombing children in Afghanistan, bombing people in Palestine, starving children in Yemen, starving children in Cuba, starving children in Venezuela, caging children in the US, torturing people in Guantanamo, bombing children in Yugoslavia, and so on? The bill that resulted in the mass enslavement of the US population (highest prison pop. in the world by far) was passed by the Clinton administration, written by Biden.
Are they only powerful enough to do monstrous shit or do they think you're stupid and will buy their hand wringing? They could have forced through Medicare, deliberately chose not to. They could have codified reproduction rights, deliberately chose not to. They're fucking telling you which issues they care about, it's the ones that they actually pass.
You are not wrong. My point is that dictator trump and his cronies will pave over the bones of Palestinians and turn Gaza into a Trump resort. Strip the rights of all non-christians, minorities, women, and lgbt in America(and this is just citizens!). Take away the only public service for healthcare, meager that it is. We will see nothing but negative progress and monstrous acts from this admin. Monstrous in a far more sinster and evil way than ever before.
My point is that dictator trump and his cronies will pave over the bones of Palestinians and turn Gaza into a Trump resort.
So far, Trump has been slightly better than the Democrats on Gaza, but because democrat supporters refused to acknowledge how bad it was when it was Democrats doing it, they don't realise.
Voting for genociders and pro-militarized police didn’t stop the genocide or police murdering black people, so I would count it as a very ineffective strategy as well. I rather vote for what I actually believe in than not voting because I will hell not vote for the garbage democrats.
Edit: “Protest vote” lmao, I don’t owe my vote to Democrats.
It’s the compromise for the vulnerable that most often gets brought up in this situation. A protest vote in a broken first-past-the-post election system generally helps the opposition to your vote. Republicans have demonstrated they hate the vulnerable (disabled, poor, debt-ridden) and Democrats are weak in their opposition, but if you want the help those that are vulnerable you would generally not want to subject them to Republicans, whom benefit from your protest vote.
Another argument is that if you fracture the opposition to bootlickers, the bootlickers will win.
the better argument is that our system is both intentionally keeping these groups vulnerable and, in large part, using them as bait to get you to vote the way they want you to; effectively entrapping you into this system so that you remain ignorant of the fact these same vulnerable groups are empowered and the driving force for change outside this country.
Until they realize that empowerment, there will be suffering, and it seems to be accelerationists who want that suffering to drive change. The whole point is that the system is broken in a first-past-the-post democracy.
I can tell you right now those same vulnerable people are not ready to rise up, though I wish that weren’t the case. There are people who still believe in decorum lmao.
We can talk all we want about people recognizing empowerment, but you’re also fighting entrenched propaganda campaigns that keep those same people fearful and against solidarity. Talk to any working class Fox News watching disphit.
Really until I see one of you propose, or enact, ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment, ima keep doing me and trying to reduce the harm to the vulnerable people as best I can.
Mexico proved that it's possible w/o removing the propaganda; queers, trans, students, leftists, women and indigenous people joined to together to kick out both of the liberal and conservative parties to bring in amlo & sheinbaum's third party for the first time in over a century. Now the pri and the pan are just as irrelevant as a Republican in California or a Democrat in Texas
You're not helping; you're only perpetuating the harm to vulnerable people when you cooperate they way they want you to.
The system is not broken, it is working as intended. Telling you it's broken is so they can dangle "fixing it" in front of your face like a carrot on a stick, but it will never ever happen for as long as capitalists are allowed to run our world and make decisions for us.
You want "ways to counter that propaganda and lead people to understand their empowerment", the answer is and always has been class consciousness and historical materialism. It starts with you. Pick up a fucking book and seek it out. Cause I'm not seeing any ideas from you either and whether we like it or not, we are all in this together.
I am sorry, but as a black man, I am supposed to be your sacrificial lamb and your fucking compromise for you for what? So you feel safe in your fucking neighborhood? I am sure that all black people and Palestinian Americans will agree when I say: “Fuck you from the bottom of my heart”
We are critical of them in the primaries and their supporters vote for the same evil assholes we hate and then call us radicals when we won’t support them. I am so sick of having to explain this to people as if they haven’t rat fucked good candidates out of the primaries multiple times.
Why can’t we be critical of democrats by being selective in the primaries?
lol even when you try to do this Pelosi will push the thumb on the scale to get Cuellar, one of the shittiest Democrats (and that's really saying something) reelected over challenger Jessica Cisneros. Or you can even win the primary and then the state party will allow you to languish because you're a working class demsoc instead of a trusted middle-manager of capital. The Dems need people like Cuellar, Sinema, and Manchin so that whenever they have a majority they can still sit around and do fucking nothing until the Republicans come in and shift everything further rightward. Dems love this. Ratchet effect is real. Fuck the Democratic Party. At least the Republicans are honest about how much they hate us.