A boycott should be held until the brand changes position, if only for economic gain. A day of boycott would affect next quarter reports negligibly, if at all.
Maybe our boycott should be to choose one corporation at random and boycott for an entire quarter. Amazon would be the first obvious choice. And the quarter than contains prime day would be a great option.
maybe but thats not this one. I will say that prime day and black friday would be the most difficult for the poor. The problem with the one corp at a time is what are your demands of them. These general strikes is because of the direction of the country in no small part do to corporate manipulation. Its to get them to push the administration they helped get installed away from this dismantling of the country. Its also not a bad idea to save money so you have it for an extremely bad economic situation.
yeah im not sure now who all might have seen my other comments but companies gather constant metrics. Its about a one day dive. So some folks may by stuff the day before, some after, or some days either direction within a week in most cases. Its a show of force. Like a warning shot. If it works and the news is talking about how companies showed a massive drop in purchasing today then it will have the intended effect.
If you can't convince people to not shop for one day, (even when they can go shop tomorrow) then you're definately not going to convince people to boycott a specific company for months.
This is the lowest of all bars to see how many people actually care enough to participate. Encouraging people to not participate by dismissing it's effect decreases how many people will participate in future action.
I don’t know, man, I would sooner boycott Amazon than stop buying everything for a day. It’s Friday and we do pizza every Friday. I’m not gonna sacrifice that for a boycott. But you tell me to shop at Walmart instead of Amazon for 3 months and it might have a meaningful impact? I’m down.
It’s Friday and we do pizza every Friday. I’m not gonna sacrifice that for a boycott.
If you're unwilling to only buy pizza 51 weeks out of the year instead of 52, and unable to plan ahead to have purchased a pizza on Thursday, then you sure as fuck can't be relied upon when more meaningful action that will actually be difficult is planned such as a general strike.
Not making a purchase today is the lowest possible bar and you are still unable to clear it. If that minor inconvenience is too much for you then you shouldn't be criticising the people putting in effort to try to do something.
I think the difference is that I don’t see any value in this. Skip a day of purchasing will have zero effect on anything. People don’t spend money on Christmas Day and guess what, zero impact on corporations. Cause they plan for this. And the day after Christmas is a madhouse.
I’m not going to skip pizza day with my family for something that will have zero impact. It has nothing to do with planning or willpower and everything to do with the nature of the plan.
People don’t spend money on Christmas Day and guess what, zero impact on corporations. Cause they plan for this. And the day after Christmas is a madhouse.
So corporations have planned for this and have few staff on today? They have extra staff scheduled for tomorrow? That would be great! It means they are taking notice and taking precautions.
If you think something else would be more effective then start planning it. If you want to plan a rotating boycott go for it, I will encourage people to participate.
If you're literally not doing anything then sit the fuck down. No one cares about your self justification for not being mildly inconvenienced, and there is no world in which you encouraging people not to participate helps in any way.
If you're literally not doing anything then sit the fuck down. No one cares about your self justification for not being mildly inconvenienced, and there is no world in which you encouraging people not to participate helps in any way.
Maybe you should relax and recognize who the ops are here and put that aggressive negative energy in the right place.
I’m giving my reasoning for why I think this is dumb and what I would consider a more worthwhile protest. I am not encouraging people to not participate, but I can guarantee there are plenty of people that feel the same way. If you don’t want to hear it, you are more than welcome to quit interacting with me.
"Yeah, take all the money you would spend today, and spend it tomorrow. Power to the …."
Actively discourages people from taking part I don't know what to tell you.
what I would consider a more worthwhile protest
You know what's a more worthwhile protest than nothing? Anything. And here you are doing less than nothing, you're actively arguing against doing something.
I have mentioned this in a few comments but metrics are constantly being collected and a one day effect does send a message. On its own its limited but its the first shot across the bow.
I'm permanently boycotting Amazon, Walmart, Target, U.S. automakers (that includes parts purchases as I do repair vehicles from time to time.) Facebook (including marketplace) and starting a local online forum. I never did use anything else much and I've been boycotting Reddit obviously. Online streaming companies. Finally taking steps to completely degoogle, although yt will be difficult, but i've been leaching off of them ad free for, since the site started, so I'm costing them a lot of money I think. I could just auto download into my seedbox so they can't track me. I'm going to make sure to buy used items when I can. Go to my local shops more and the farmers market. I'm also going to plant more variety in my garden this year, it's usually not worth it, but this year I'm full of spite.
I honestly got lazy about avoiding these companies, and it's time to take it seriously again.
my big sins currently are amazon and google with a dash of microsoft given linkedin and github. I think that is it but I could be missing something. I don't plan on stopping were I am at with reducing.
The main reason is I existed before linkedin and the thing with workmates is you don't necessarily get their email or phone number. So I have no connection to people I worked with before 2000 but now I have this tacit connection. I also search for jobs on it but that is a bit more of effect that im on it already. Also I would have to host the personal website or if I did not then im getting the worst of both worlds. my stuff is on some other system, but I have more management I have to do, and it does not really get me what I want.