neoliberalism is just the modern version of classical economics that is data focused. It’s not the boogeyman people make it out to be.
The problem is nouveau riche folks never learned the lessons old money did from the French Revolution. Primarily that everyone should have enough to get by and at no point should you be letting other people know you are rich and how rich you are.
neoliberalism is just the modern version of classical economics socially acceptable exploitation that is data focused and thus much more effective. Which is worse.
Fixed it for you.
It’s not the boogeyman people make it out to be.
No, it's much worse than most people think.
California's leadership pretending to be progressive while protecting PG&E from any consequences of constantly causing or exacerbating wildfires and fighting tooth and nail against a ballot initiative outlawing carceral slavery? That's Neoliberalism.
Pretending that you're on the side of the oppressed while not only making excuses for an apartheid regime, but actively participating in its genocide? Very Neoliberal.
Saying that the only way to combat systemic police violence is to throw more money at cops? Neoliberalism.
Not only negotiating with fascists, but starting with unacceptable concessions and then moving Right from there? One of the most Neoliberal things ever.
Losing two of the three most winnable presidential elections since WWII if not earlier (only barely scraping a win in the other one) due in large part to not listening to poor people while fascists with more effective messaging at least PRETENDED to and then blaming the voters for not showing up? THE most Neoliberal thing ever.
Yeah I don’t think you know what you’re talking about as none of your examples have anything to do with neoliberalism. You shouldn’t talk authoritatively about a subject you clearly have no background in.
none of your examples have anything to do with neoliberalism.
On the contrary, every single one is highly typical of contemporary American style liberalism AKA Neoliberalism. I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
You shouldn’t talk authoritatively about a subject you clearly have no background in.
Neoliberalism is not "American styled liberalism". Liberalism is a political ideology and neoliberalism is an economic one.
You aren't going to convince me that you know what you are talking about by making less accurate claims
You can't explain something you have an objectively incorrect understanding of which is why you keep doubling down with i creasingly inaccurate claims.
You aren't going to convince me that you know what you are talking about by making less accurate claims
I guess that IS you in the photo. Guess there's no point wasting any more time and attention since you're just going to hold on to your original misconceptions and add new ones every time I elaborate to clarify.
Dude, I know a chud just like you in real life, also chronically unfuckable (Muh aD hOMiNeM!). Y’all should start a podcast or something about how reagonomics was actually the savior of liberal democracy.