I don't really get this as a comic, is there supposed to be a joke in there? It's a guy surrounded by gitmo prisoners, reading trump trump news, and wishing things weren't so bad?
Is the joke that he's sitting down and not doing anything? Is the guy supposed to represent someone specifically? What is the message supposed to be?
Which part of that was wrong? Oh I forgot. Union soldiers along with lincoln freed the slaves and we fought the Nazis in ww2 despite many of our capitalists supporting them. Two glimmers of good in our history.
And if you don’t think torture in Guantanamo didn’t exist under Obama I don’t know what to tell you.
In 250 years of history, not counting the colonial times that started beforehand which would date back to 1619 and make conservatives cry…. Yeah. Those are glimmers of good in centuries of bad.
What’s your point? America has a had a few good years out of 250, or 400 if we’re counting the colonial times. The fact that you’re arguing with me about Americas history of being mostly shitty is serious fucking cope.
What's "cope"? Actually, what are we arguing about? I don't disagree that those things are true.
I do disagree that countries can be "good" or "bad" without any other qualifiers such as "at healing the sick" or something. I also disagree that something (or someone) can be only all-good or all-bad, which is the only phrasing you're using even though you probably also don't think someone can be all-good or all-bad.
"If we're counting colonial times" is also interesting - what, like Jamestown counts as America? or the original 13 colonies? That seems a little bogus as they didn't even have cybertrucks or toxic waste then.
The joke is that, according to the cartoonist, America has never been the "good guy." Donald Trump did not invent America "bad guy" status. The Gitmo prisoners remind the seated newspaper reader about "American bad guy stuff" that happened (or at least started) before Trump was a political force.