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Explaination: That is a Pokemon named Zubat, Using an attack called Supersonic which has a 55% chance of confusing the defending Pokemon.
124 1 Replythat_ginger_one
Never felt like 55% though....
33 0 Replysigmund 100% chance if you're fighting one, 0% chance if they're your pokemon
49 0 ReplyMastens Which they split the diff and call 55% in the strat guide to give you misguided hope. 😔
10 0 ReplyBadland9085 Just like my luck IRL! :’)
3 0 Reply
thank you! I think it confused me somehow
6 0 ReplyMonkderZweite And what are the glowing rings for? Without them, chance for evade would decrease drastically.
3 0 Reply
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