You realize without health insurance companies more people would die, right? It would just be everyone only getting the care they alone can afford without insurance.
It's a core DNC stance. They tried to pass it the moment they had supermajority with caucusing Ind for 72 days in 2013, but the Ind betrayed us and we lost it by 1 vote in the senate. Instead we got the medicaid expansion and CHIP renewals which support 79 Million Americans currently.
The fact that the GOP is currently trying to gut it is even more proof that this is a clear partisan issue.
If people voted for Universal Healthcare then we would have it. But they don't vote for it.
I know what the DNC is. I'm asking who we specifically could have elected that would have gotten us universal healthcare. It wasn't even on the platform agenda for 2024.
Then the murderers would be the voters who consistently choose this system.
Then who should the voters have chosen? We've had many Democrats, but no universal healthcare. It's not even part of their platform. Yes, they're better than the Republicans by a country mile, but you said the voters chose this system, so who could we have voted for?
Yes, it’s totally the voters fault and has nothing to do with the broken system that is kept in place by powerful corporations bribing (lobbying) those in charge to keep the system broken for their own benefit and profit. You fucking donkey.
Which side my vote is on also hasn’t changed in decades. Arguably a big reason I live where I do is finding other people who also vote for our future, everyone’s well being. However voting between fascists and centrists isn’t good for anyone
That would be called 𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 the murderers. The healthcare industries could in theory decide to save many more people without going bankrupt. They are still murderers even if half of the us voted to hand them a knife
Incorrect, a healthcare system does not require for-profit insurance companies to serve the health needs of it's members.
I assume you made your comment out of ignorance and not as an attempt to spread misinformation. Check out the single payer model as an example of a full healthcare system that does not utilize for-profit insurance.
Alright but you also don't have to use the for-profit coverage if you don't want to. Maybe instead of organizing impotent murders we should be organizing nonprofit and cooperative healthcare coverage businesses.
Okay go ahead? Maybe instead of throwing out opinions you haven't done any research on you should gain a basic understanding of how the USA healthcare system works and how people are stuck with what they've got 👍 maybe you'll see why people are cool with murdering these murderers
They approve more than they deny by far. The worst example would is probably UHC and even they only denied between 18-32% depending on who you ask.
And, very few people apparently know this, but you can and should appeal those coverage denials.
By the numbers, health insurance allows more people to get coverage than without, and therefor are a net positive.
I'm an advocate for singlepayer, I don't think health insurance companies should exist, but if we don't convince citizens to vote differently then we're not going to accomplish any good at all by killing some expendable erectile dysfunctional suits.
health insurance allows more people to get coverage than without
Yet there are more than two choices. It’s not useful to claim the current system is a net positive because the only worse option is no coverage
you can and should appeal those coverage denials
Every medical provider I’ve dealt with has people to handle this. They have to spend money hire extra people to redo paperwork, resubmit claims, until it comes through. Is this a good use of anyone’s time or money?
That’s an astonishingly ignorant statement that assumes health insurance provides any care, or that insurance is the only way for people to afford care. Willfully ignorant, perhaps, because anyone who has paid attention over the last decade would have heard this discussed if they weren’t living under a rock.
Insurances are middlemen extracting money from you on the chance you might get ill or need care, and then decide whether or not your illness is worth the trouble of giving you any of your own money back to cover it.
We did fine without widespread medical insurance 50 years ago. Many countries do fine with single-payer care - in fact most of them besides the US do. And many of those countries have better overall health than Americans do and pay less to enjoy it.
Oh but the thing is I have gotten terribly sick before, and I've seen a doctor and I got all the treatment I needed because I have good coverage. If I had to pay for everything on my own? I'd still have gone in to see a doctor if it meant debt. If they denied me treatment I'd set up my estate to sue them in the case of my death.
Our system sucks. But it can get a lot worse, very quickly.
You’re spending a lot of time trying to defend that it could be worse when everyone is saying it needs to be better. You’re trying to defend the status quo on the ground that no coverage would be worse when everyone else is saying the rest of the civilized world has examples doing much better
How many would die if our health care system wasn’t designed to deny claims, didn’t insert paperwork, process and overhead, didn’t incorporate huge profiteering opportunities? How many would die if everyone were covered? How many would die if coverage were a medical decision instead of medical decisions forced by affordability? How many would die if there were no need for medical debt and bankruptcy?
Idk why dont we design our healthcare that way? I've been voting to do that every election my adult life and the rest of you are masturbating to murder as if it somehow promotes the idea.