A former Soviet intelligence officer made the claim in a Facebook post, which the Daily Beast briefly published overnight Saturday The post The Daily Beast Publishes, Then Deletes Story Alleging Trump Was Recruited by Soviet Spies appeared first on TheWrap.
You know, it is still mind blowing to me that people will share stuff like this (an accusation of espionage based on one Russian Facebook post), and then be surprised, when a lot of people actually believe Trumps "fake news" BS. One of the reasons Trump was able to win is that the Democrats and their supporters completely tanked their credibility with anyone still capable of critical thinking.
Polling shows most Trump voters would not have voted for him if they were better informed, but of course they won't be informed if there is no trustworthy mainstream source of information.
There have been many trustworthy news sites that could inform them, but there are many more that randomly claim that there aren't any and that many spouting doubts slowly adds up. (It's how the vaccine hesitancy happened, not a lack of trustworthy news, but a small army spouting a ton of BS to make people questions everything.)
Yeah, I don't put any trust in this news for two reasons.
First, it could just be bullshit. It doesn't seem verifiable.
Second, it's exactly what Russia would do. They want to sow division.
However, I still believe he's a Russian agent, or something just as useful, because of the way he acts. I don't need further evidence than that. He couldn't act more like a Russian agent if he tried.
However, I still believe he's a Russian agent, or something just as useful, because of the way he acts. I don't need further evidence than that. He couldn't act more like a Russian agent if he tried.
But that is the tragedy of the situation. There are so many awful things Trump does with incontrovertible evidence, but they are drowned out in conjectures, hyperboles and outright lies.