I dunno, everyone was cool with the love story of Wanda & The Vision from the MCU. I guess fucking robots is not ok, but becoming emotionally attached to one is?
I don't think that's a linear logic. We all know Vision is a robot. But we also know it's a story about a robot that is played by a man. We are watching for the spectacle, not because we believed the story to be real.
Vision was also a robot with human-type consciousness and intelligence. We can, at least, nudge that into "funny-looking human" through suspension of disbelief.
Exactly. The comic strip questionable content contains artificial intelligences with quirks, foibles, personalities, and a social understanding that they're people too. In it people and ais have relationships and even marry. It's no weirder than a human in a fantasy setting falling for an elf.
The love story in the movie "Her" is even more impressive. It's impressive because it's not even a robot, it's just an AI voice and yet the love story is still compelling. And it also asks bigger questions, sure there's the question of could a person fall in love with a machine, and is that ok? But it goes further to ask, if the machine is actually intelligent, what does the machine see in the humans? Do the machines actually still need the humans at all?