Why don't Taco Trucks have a recognizable theme song and menu like Ice Cream Trucks?
I can hear an Ice Cream truck coming from blocks away and it's instantly recognizable.
Why aren't there Taco Trucks cruising around the neighborhood with an instantly recognizable sound and menu? All the grownups would come running outside waving to the Taco Truck.
The Taco Truck was invented in 1974 so it's been 50 years now. I've known the sound of the Ice Cream Truck since I was like 3 years old, but I barely even know where the Taco Truck is. You've got to follow them around on social media...
I don't know about where you live, but here there's thousands of different cuisine trucks. Burger trucks, Indian, Portuguese, pasta, Korean, baked potatoes, etc.
We have food trucks where I am that serve cuisines other than Mexican food, even though Mexican is by and large the dominant food truck type I encounter.
I've seen vegan food, macaroni, southern United States cuisine, pizza, and African cuisine. In larger cities, I've heard of stuff like a grilled cheese truck. They are out there! But now I would be happy to see a Chinese food truck or a Vietnamese food truck.
In Oklahoma totally 100% agree. We have 3 taco trucks in our small town. We're the variety? I love a BLT truck, and definitely a stir fry truck. I love to start one but damn the cost of the trucks can get expensive.
lmao, I can't believe someone actually beat me to this. I don't live there now, but used to and worked in Cumberland in that CVS business park. There's a little pull off spot in there where food trucks setup shop during lunch hour. I've never seen such variety in my life!
Also, no taco truck is better than Pollos Locos, especially at 2AM while drunk stumbling out of the Scurvy.
ETA: wait a sec. Jason, DJ, Rhode Island. You don't work in that same business park, do you?
ETA2: nvm, I stalked your posts a little bit and I very seriously doubt you are who I thought you might be. Weird coincidence, though!
Nope. I worked for CVS (corporate) once upon a time, but not on the hill...and literally almost everybody in this state has worked for CVS, APC, or Electric Boat at some point in their lives.