Instance PeerTube généraliste, une bonne alternative à YouTube et autres plateformes de streaming contrôlées par des géants du WEB.
General PeerTube instance, a good alternative to YouTube and other streaming platforms controlled by WEB giants.
I'd argue that it's important for humanoid robots to interact with environments designed for humans. That's really the only place you need them after all. Pressing buttons and taking measurements might not be exciting, but if it is a job that a human did before then it's saving somebody from doing something really boring that's still necessary.
I think the idea of using robots as a drop in replacement for human workers is pretty sensible in general. Last I looked, Unitree was already making them for only $16k a pop, this makes it very cheap to automate a lot of manual labor. Another nice aspect of such robots is that they're versatile, so you can have them do many different jobs as the need arises.