But lets see the Positive side: Now the Nazis wont have to burn thousands of books, saving tons of co2 in their Plan to take over the world with propaganda. So, yay for the envoirment I guess
13+ years ago when I'd say why I hate social media, cloud services, all this convenient dependence, everybody would act as if this was stupid.
My logic was that if there's a mechanism allowing such influence, no matter how small, its power will grow almost until the death of such an ecosystem. Because the returns of abusing it will always be more than the expenses.
Most people have an astounding lack of imagination. Its like they thing that things can't get much worse because that would be too different to now....
At the same time, they unfortunately can’t imagine things being better. That’s why societies differ a lot between cultures in different parts of the world.
Well that and the fact that some of us define better in such ways that others think may be worse. For example there was a trend some years back where Instagram models were damaging Joshua trees, I am of the complete and unshakable opinion that their blood shouldve water a new Joshua tree and their corpse reduced to mulch for said tree. I aint got nothing against removed oneself out after all money is money but hurting the Joshua trees is a worthy of death.
Not directly, but plenty of models are basically trying to get work from rich coomers and what not. On the more extreme levels it gets pretty fucking horrific, if ya want to know how bad it can get look up Instagram models who removed travel to the UAE or Dubai. Mind you you'll probably want to turn Arabia into glass.
Not exactly aphantasia, though some kinds of imagination are close to that for me. Rather that something remote is very hard to imagine, while triggers, like sounds and smells and physical feelings and harmonic progressions, make something very easy to imagine.
So if I know that I have to do something or else my head rolls off, the deadline being in 3 hours, I won't be as concentrated as the typical person.
That's interesting, I'd never heard of that before. I know that people who are aphantasic often still dream with vivid mental images, so, it like they aren't able to access them consciously and maybe the triggers help you in a similar way.