People who live in functional and safe countries, how happy are you?
For those of us who live in the US things are and have been scary and depressing for a while, this seems to also be true about quite a few more countries in the world.
If you are living in a country that you deem safe, well functioning and overall a good country to live in, how do you feel? Do you feel anxious about the current state of the world? Also, what country are you in? (Just in case 🫣)
Not to rub it in, but I moved from the US to Scandinavia (during Biden's presidency) and while I have plenty of problems and stresses there's a relief to the safety and stability of it that I didn't realize I was missing in the US.
Life is far from perfect here but it's all in all better than life was in the US for us, and I feel that would be even more true as time goes on.
Also sorry about wtf is going on to you (presumably) over there.
I have high school aged children so all of the sabre rattling is unsettling to me. I would love my kids to maybe explore degree programs outside of the US because I don't see things getting better anytime soon. I don't want them sucked into some bullshit conflict started by that guy.