If you love roguelikes and you love open world games like Skyrim or the Fallout series, I think you’ll love it. The setting is like a blend of Dune with Fallout (fresh water is a big deal, technological ruins are everywhere, but there’s no 1950’s vibe, this is the extreme distant future).
I mean, legs are a problem; even with prosthetics, resection seems to be unavoidable, from the few people I know who've lost a leg. The issue is at least partially that there's a lot of force being applied in areas and ways not designed to take it.
Still, I agree with you; no question that is the legs. If it weren't for the resection issue, I'd have a range of prosthetics, including springy ones. There's a definite silver lining on that cloud; I can't see any upside to losing both your arms.
Well, I'm no expert, but I do know a couple people who've lost a lower limb, and apparently it's common for problems to develop with the stump, which are aggravated by the use of prosthetics. The consequence is that, every few years, they have to go in and remove a little more of the limb.
My understanding is that resections are things that are needed on the decade timescale, but maybe more frequently. And I'm not sure everyone has this problem. I know only that the two people I know had to have them, and that they limited their prosthetic use - they said - because it increased the chance they'd need a resection.
Speech-to-text is pretty decent nowadays. You're going to be a bit slower in applications that have a lot of keyboard shortcuts available, but that's generally still very workable. Not saying it's equal, it's just not that bad compared to losing both hands.
Depends on the games you play, doesn't it? Strategy games (non-competitive) or turn-based RPGs work fine with one hand. And I bet it's possible to make a way to use at least the directional keys (wasd/arrows/d-pad) with your prosthetic, e.g. by rigging up one of those old school joysticks.
Plus life in a wheelchair is still quite possible, whereas life with no arms would need so much more assistance from others I would think. Can't write, everything would be speech to text, hardly any recreational activities to keep you entertained, etc.