What movie is in your top list despite its absolute shit rating?
I think for me it's alien: covenant. I was really interested in the ideas explored in prometheus and covenant just expanded on them. I don't get much into the details of why it is or isn't a good movie.
Luckily, though, HBO ran raised by wolves which really delved into ideals about AI and planet seeding etc. So that itch got way scratched even if the run was cut short.
For critics, yeah I think it is 16%er but that is because critics are looking for different things in movies than the audience who wanted to see the movie.
I remember screening league of extraordinary gentleman and all I could think is it was probably not for me. Not to say someone else wouldn't like it. I feel like not everything should be rated based on its wide spread appeal.
pretty sure I watched it in the theater while it was new and I didn't think it was a waste of time but it is forgettable. It's only really remarkable thing is being Sean Connery's last movie
Ebert's big beef with it was "You can't drive a car in Venice!" and I'm like "You're OK with 1800s nuclear submarines, an immortal vampire victim, an invisible man, and a dude who can't be hurt because his painting takes the damage for him, but driving a car in Venice is a bridge too far?"