I understand that food is delicious and it is enjoyable to eat but have you considered that the combination of being either poor or cheap, while also being lazy can make you skinny?
I seriously don't even want to go to the grocery store, pay for all these groceries, unload all that shit from my car, prepare a meal, eat it (the only nice part), do the dishes, put the dishes away, take out the trash, clean the kitchen.
Eating less food less often is way easier than doing all that stuff, and its way cheaper. Fast food isn't even inexpensive nowadays and its so bad for you.
Well isn't that fucking hilarious. Here you are saying that shit, and the time stamps prove you then go shit alll over someone else for not being perfect.
I'm going to double down here and say that you don't have to be perfect, but you should really strive to do better than McDonalds as your healthy option.
Ironically eating takeout, fast food like McDonald's is one of the more reliable low calorie meals. Chicken Burger, diet drink and 6 nugs is 700 cals where the norm seems to be around 1000 by me. Subway is probably the best for me with a 200 cal salad but I'm not craving take out to eat a salad
They clearly are managing their food intake just fine. Why do you gotta make a rude value judgement based on what, your own preferences? Go count your own calories instead of worrying about how someone else gets theirs.
Their justification for eating highly processed food and drinking artificial sweetener solution is that it's the only way they can control their calorie intake. Call me rude if you want, but it's ridiculous.
You don't have to eat organic vegan everything to be healthy but a McDonalds centric diet isn't the way to go.