What sunglass brands do you recommend for its quality?
Hey Lemmies, I want to buy a new pair of sunglasses without contributing to Luxotica dominance. I've had Shady rays, but I am looking for a non-american brand.
Here to vouch for Goodr - I bought two pairs from them years ago and haven't been very careful with them but they are still in great condition and look awesome.
I got some Goodrs and Knockarounds. And Knockarounds were better for not sliding down. I live in a tropical place and am always sweating. If you have the money, though, i’d get Tifosi.
Except their “Voight-Kampf Vision”. They have that shitty rubber finish that perishes over time and becomes a sticky mess. Reflective coating strips off after a while even when cared for as per their instructions.
I loved these as my running sunnies but was pretty pissed when they started falling apart.