I doubt I could even make a dent in the amount of art, music, theatre, film, TV, fiction, dance, and reading about scientific studies made only this year so far if I was trying to consume and experience everything.
Let alone everything from the last 200 years. So, no, even without leaving my house there's enough new things to last a lifetime
The question was do I feel like I've reached the end of what the world has to offer.
No, and as an example of what I find enriching: music, books, TV, film, dance, poetry, news, science, games - other people would count sports... even if you find between 51–99.9% of entertainment of any and all kinds unenriching and unentertaining, then you still find some things meet that, and thus have not reached the end of everything in the world.
My point being with such hyperbole: no, no one has reached the end