In the US, but basically it is a global phenomenon, government spending is out of control and unsustainable - Argentina showed us the way.
Wish we had DOGE in the EU. We need less unproductive bureaucrats not more.
Maybe, and I say maybe, before starting to dismantle core-agencies needed for the maintenance and management of a state, one should look into the meddling between private and public interests. Like, how much of our money is being used to sustain dead-end projects such as Ai development or fossil fuel? Do we want to also look into the military spending and the paths grants provided to this end follow?
If Argentina has taught us anything is that leaving citizens without services makes the lives of those same citizens even worse. The results of no hospital, schools, or state management agencies will be shown in some years, can't wait to see libertarians trying to spin that situation in a positive way
The fact that you think that's the extent of AI development means you're not informed enough to really comment on this issue. LLMs are only one from of AI. And the fact that they can now recognize natural language is a huge boost in itself.
Large Language Models are the form of so-called "AI" that's being crammed into everything at our expense.
The stuff that's actually useful, like engineering and bioscience models, are not getting trillions in investments in the hopes that they'll render the majority of the population unemployable.
That's the most visible thing. It's not the only thing. And the cool thing about AI models is that they can be run together in various ways to commitment each other. It's not a zero sum game
When people complain about "AI" they aren't talking about aerodynamics simulators, they're talking about LLMs built on stolen content for the express purpose of stealing jobs and recommendation algorithms designed to push people into fascist politics for the engagement numbers. Those are entirely a zero-sum game where corporate gains can only be achieved by consumer losses.
Because people are largely ignorant and latch onto buzzwords that the media repeats endlessly without understanding what's going on behind the scenes.
Fascist Recommendation engines existed long before any of this LLM business.
Stopping technological progress because bad people might do bad things with it, is attacking the problem the wrong way. Stop the bad people, not the technology. Replacing jobs/reducing the burden on people to labor isn't a bad thing if we can prevent all the riches going to a few wealthy owners.
Because people are largely ignorant and latch onto buzzwords that the media repeats endlessly without understanding what's going on behind the scenes.
I'm not "people", I'm a sysadmin for a Fortune 500 company that has to put up with my bosses trying to shoehorn LLMs into everything.
Do not presume to talk down to me on this topic, I've been complaining about so-called "AI" chatbots since Eliza.
Stopping technological progress because bad people might do bad things with it, is attacking the problem the wrong way.
LLMs aren't "progress", they're multidimensional maps of human language use. Interesting from an academic perspective, but not useful for any real work.
Stop the bad people, not the technology.
You sound like a communist.
Replacing jobs/reducing the burden on people to labor isn't a bad thing if we can prevent all the riches going to a few wealthy owners.
If AI can push us to be post scarcity, capitalism stops making sense.
I'm not a communist in terms of present day reality. Not that the first thing you tried to label as communism was even remotely related to it. It sounds like you just slap that label on things as a way to dismiss them in your mind.
Oh yes, cut spending by eliminating agencies needed by the people to have a decent life in a developed society and present the resulting savings as a victory.
It's like a company manager firing most of its employees and selling it's machines presenting the administrative books at the next shareholders meeting. Much profits, wow! And then the year after the company goes bankrupt and foreclose, who can say why this has happened??? Must have been the invisible hand free market!!! Fs fs, on god
We don't have a free market. And letting the business owners do the ransacking will make it even less of a free market. You're over here rooting for corporate capture.
Elon just awarded himself 100s of millions in government contacts for cars that fucking fall apart. He's dumping his trash product off on you, the taxpayer's dime. And you're cheering him on
Yeah buddy, sure. I'm certain without rules and laws all companies would act in the best interests of the consumers, not selling dangerous or poisonous goods at all!! And they would never think about creating cartels to fix the prices of their products. This could never happen!!
God, you're thick as a brick but less useful. Basically a rock with the capacity to write dumb things on the internet
Please tell me how the absence of laws and agencies mandated to overview the adherence to said laws by big industrial realities could improve the quality of live for common citizens who are already power-deprived in front of big corporations thanks to the lack in founding of state agencies in return for the campaign contributions all parties rack in from their wealthy donors with each election cycle
Pro-difficulty: use your words instead of linking to a badly argued YouTube video
Because Thomas Sowell can tell it so much better with countless historic examples than I can and btw - it is not a 'youtube video' - it is a link to a rumble video with the complete audiobook.
It just shows you how an economy works and the effects (negative and positive) of governments. One of the best books ever written on this subject. Highly recommended for everyone - left or right.
He tells these concepts so much better and bring such clear examples to the table that you're still unable to present your points in clear and readable manner.
Please tell me how the economy works and how the "invisible hand of the free market" can improve the quality of goods and services for people in a market where the most important goal of any company is to extract the maximum profit from its customers.
Let's remember that even Harvard business review has finally accepted that the concept of the invisible hand is laughable (read here for reference), we just needed 3 major financial crashes (IT at the end of the 90s, housing market at the end of the 2000s and the economic crash of 2019) to experience this first hand.
Please, remind me where the money which were used to save big businesses and big banks came from? Do I hear you say "the state"? Oh well, we would be better off without it at this point, right?