Bush 43 tried having nantional standards and instituted profiency tests with no child left behind. Due to there being consequences for poorly performing schools and teachers, Obama capitulated to the teachers union and switched to letting the states determine tests and standards. Public school teachers may want what's best for students but the teachers union does not.
If a public school performs poorly they get more money, if a voucher school performs poorly they get closed. In my area voucher schools perform better than public schools and cost half as much.
That's the one area where public schools outperform private in my area. The less wealthy the neighborhood the more likely private schools do better.
And those religious “schools” that don’t have to confirm to standards. Sure they are churning out real productive, fully functioning adults.
A requirement for accepting state money is standards have to be met. Private highschool graduates have higher ACT scores, higher acceptence rates into college, higher college graduation rates.
The less wealthy the neighborhood the more likely private schools do better.
That's because private schools act as a filter for the families that can afford them. Kids from poorer families are more likely to have an unstable home life, insufficient access to meals outside of school lunches, and other things which are the biggest factors in educational success. The voucher system takes funding from the public schools used by the poorest kids and gives it to the private schools used by families that could already afford to go elsewhere.
Private schools can also arbitrarily accept/reject students which gives them an advantage in outcome metrics.
The vouchers in my area pay for all tutition for private school for low and middle income families. There is no tutition cost for families. It lets low income families escape failing schools.
Is like to point out that most of Obama's increase in budget was pushed through under Bush (because budgets are passed the prior year). And he brought it down from that starting point over his two terms. Trump immediately jacked it back up from what he inherited, and Biden decreased it again.
Oh yeah, the party of fiscal responsibility who is now trying to pass a progressive 4,5 billions tax cut for the wealthiest part of society. Who knows when these missing funds for the government will show up in its administrative books???
You must be so wise in the way of the finances, please (not) teach us master
You also missed that the bill was extending tax cuts, and finally the cuts being progressive, though I suspect you don't know what progressive tax cuts are.
Try Looking at an actual graph that does more than an entire term distilled into one number... Some of those don't even look accurate. You might learn something
You claimed the numbers I provided don't look accurate and more granular numbers will prove your point but don't provide any. Seems like you're saying the numbers must be wrong but can't provide any data to back that claim. That almost sounds like you have no data and are going off your preconceived notions.
On both side they've failed horribly. I am not a republican, not even American. The main thing I like about DT's presidency is DOGE. That is a huge game changer. Love everything about it. 👍
First time in years that I think common sense is coming back in the world. 🤷♂️
Not a single iota of common sense exists in this administration. They're all crooks and conmen. It's astonishing a noncitizen has fallen for such an obvious grift while not being the target of their propoganda. That takes an extra special kind of gullible
It's called soft power. Basically an investment in presenting the best part of your culture to others hoping that it will attract people to your ideals and idea of society to ease collaboration with other peoples.
But you do understand the reasoning behind such an investment with your superior intellect, I'm sure.
And I'm also sure that you do understand that where an investment is missing others will provide that investment. Promoting their culture in lieu of others.
I'm putting /s explicitly because I'm not sure you'd get my sarcasm, I don't think you could understand these subtle reasonings
Developing relationships through common cultural references. You can mainly use culture as a media to expand your influence in places where you already have a hold of the situation... In other places where you still have have to build your influence, and maybe an infrastructure, you invest in building roads and airports. Which is what China is doing with the "Road and Belt initiative" in many developing nations. If you think freezing foreign aid programs will help America sustain its image around the world you don't understand how foreign policy works. Exactly like Donald Trump and his cronies.
Amazing how you can't have a thought deeper than the shallowest of puddles, have you ever thought about being observed by medical professionals?